50 Reasons to Be Thankful: A Virtual Birthday party:)
I turned 50 today.
Yes, the “Big 5-0”. For the youngins, that seems ancient, for hipster seniors, I am still a young chick! Haha:) Well, either way, I’ve lived 18,250 days on this earth. Wow. I’ve lived a lot of life thus far with the High Mountain Peak type experiences and the Deep Valleys and everything in between. Lord willing, I’ll have more of life to experience to deepen my walk with God and others. According to Statista, the average life expectancy of a woman in North America is between 81-84. So, according to those stats, 50 is WAY past the mid-life crises-I think I had that meltdown already.
So... I’m ready for a new adventure! Yet there are no guarantees. Yet, when we live out of the outflow of Love itself, our Spirit never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.
A few years ago, I had a dear friend pass away from cancer in her late 40’s. It was heartbreaking to watch her suffer, but her faith stood strong through the fight for physical healing. She impacted lives until her last breath. Each day is a gift.
I’ve been gearing up for this mentally for the last year all ready for my girls to throw me a fabulous birthday party. I imagined it would be all things pink with Karaoke songs throughout the decades. BUT- that ain’t happening any time soon. With Covid-19 restrictions and cautionary measures, we are practicing social distancing along with a season of self-isolation for many. I feel for friends during this time who cannot gather for other reasons like attending funerals, postponing weddings or going through with a monumental event but having no guests at a wedding. But we do so for the sake of others. We have never felt the pains like this as a society who long to be together but cannot gather- let alone the economic devastation that is happening all around. As a result, we are more isolated. We’re faced with more alone time.
There is a Gift to be Found in Solitude
Alone time with God. Alone time with ourselves.
As the world slows down, we have more time to reflect, meditate, pray. I recently wrote a blog on prayer as a result. “Covid 19 Spreads Quickly, So Shall Prayer” (Click here to view). There’s a lot of uncertainty in life, but what I DO know is this. Living a prayerful life and having a heart of gratitude is key to navigating through all life’s highs and lows.
You’re invited to my “Virtual 50th Birthday Party”!
Below are a few pictures that capture a bit of what I am grateful for as I turn a half a century. Really, it’s all about relationships. Family- Friends- Faith. My Husband Tim, our four girls, our now two sons in law and a grandbaby! My parents- my inlaws- our extended families…. Those deep friends who have been there through thick and thin. Spiritual parents, sisters, and brothers in faith, neighbors, friends from my childhood, recent friends. Those we serve with, work for, connect with online. I have to believe we meet people for a reason and for some it’s simply for a season. Grateful for the mentors, coaches, counselors, pastors, speaker/ author friends, Culture changers i.e. influencers in my life too! too many to mention here or scan in all the photo memories of it all. My heart is full. So grateful.
Having an Attitude of Gratitude is Required for Restoration
No matter WHAT we face in this world, we always have things to be grateful for- BIG and small- past, present- future...Some have a gratitude journal. Some keep a thankfulness jar and pull it out to remind themselves on dark days too. Thankful for all those precious people who have poured into my life as a child, a teen, a young adult, throughout my 50 years thus far.
Below are photos are of some happy times- but they don’t show the full story between the scenes, the victory over the darkness behind the smiles. For every smile, there have been tears. Yet, I am thankful for the scars. I hope to write about the difficult parts of my journey to restoration someday. What doesn’t break us… But for now, I celebrate the high moments of my journey through just a sampler of pics that share a glimpse of my grateful heart.
Welcome to my Virtual Birthday Party!
Get out the virtual cupcakes, and raise a toast- that wherever we are, we can celebrate life in all its complexities, no matter what. When this quarantine type period is over, we might still have a fun party to gather with some loved ones in the future. But for now, I look forward to the family Zoom Video Chat birthday call tonight:) When we feel isolated, happy memories sustain us. Thankful for technology as facetime, zoom, and Instagram are my jam, especially in times like these. My cup runneth over within my soul as I ponder all that God has done in my life directly and through others. When we live in that contentment, we are more apt to see the needs around us. Outside of my family, I’ve poured my life into women’s ministries and then launching WJOF in 1999 and HRC in 2015. This past year marked a HUGE transition for me as we hired our first amazing Executive Director in May 2019, as I continue to serve on the board with Hope Restored Canada. Four years of pouring in and getting the charity established. I’ve learned that I feel deep, I think deep, and I act deep which has its share of strengths and weaknesses with those traits. (More on that later). I’m now in a season of realignment- this past year to refocus- rest. Now with the Covid 19 quarantine season upon us, there is even a great invitation to rest and be still. That’s hard for a visionary- a go-getter like me, but it’s necessary to bring me to the place of deep surrender.
How about you?
As I finish up my masters this year, I have to wonder where this next decade will take me next. My passion is restoration and reconciliation. I’ve learned along the way that it begins with me. My Heart- Family- World. Do you agree?
Giving out of a place of Gratitude
In honor of my 50th year, I want to invite you to join me in the fight against Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation. You can do so through the following ways:
Give the Gift of Hope with Hope Restored Canada- Click here to learn more about ways to contribute to HRC.
Be educated on the topic and inform others Click here to learn more
Pray: God desires to work through our prayers to enact social justice in a greater way, to awaken the conscience of the buyers and perpetrators, and bring healing and restoration to those who suffered the effects of being exploited. Contact me for more info on that for suggested resources or groups to plug into in the US and Canada.
The #NotInMyCity campaign partnered up with a Jewelry Company Hilberg and Berk to help support the fight to End Human Trafficking. One way to support this cause is to purchase the Venus Pin from Hillberg & Berk which supports Hope Restored Canada and other partner organizations striving to end human trafficking. I’m wearing the little beauty and it comes in rose gold and yellow gold -available online. (or participating stores when open).
A Virtual Treat Bag Gratitude Challenge:
Write down 50 things you are thankful for today and share it with a friend or family member. If you’re stumped, you can email me directly if you’d like to get you started! If you do, I’ll send you few extras by email to encourage you further on this gratitude journey. Simply utilize the contact form or contact@jodikozan.com A “Virtual Treat Bag”. Haha:) Love to hear from you, my friend!
*Update: The evening of my 50th birthday party, I received two special videos as a surprise from some family and friends. So grateful! Click here to view: “Our Words (and Dance Moves) can be a Beautiful Gift!”