Covid 19 Spreads Quickly, So Shall Prayer
Prayer is a Mysterious Gift to all of Humanity.
In dire times like this, when the globe is facing its share of the fall out of Covid-19, prayer is desperately needed. With all the fears, anxiety, ambiguity all around, millions are being nudged to pray, some may be curious about prayer but hesitate, and yes there are scoffers who mock prayer at a time like this. Ultimately my Spirit knows deeply, we are being called to pray. Providential moves are unfolding before our eyes if we are taking the time to truly see it. Yes, we want to see the end to this as it is going to wreak devastating effects on society- both health-wise and to the economy.
When I approach prayer, I do so from the mindset that God is a loving God in whom I trust. I put my faith in my Creator and desire to relinquish all fears, doubts, anxiety. As a follower of Jesus’ way, He models for us how to pray. Yes, I am a “Christian”, but that word often conjures up a ton of misunderstanding, confusion, anger or labeling as to what or who a Christian is based on horrendous, or evil things wrongly done ‘in the name of Christ.’ If that is you, I totally understand. Legalistic religion kills no matter what religion is in question. Jesus spoke very harshly to religious leaders whose motives were not in the right place (Mathew 23). For those who don’t know the Justice side of Jesus, I encourage you to spend some time reading about him, getting to know Him, spending time with Him. I’m grateful for the times of discipline, correction, and admonishment, as I too am human and need realignment. Prayer is not about being religious, it’s about seeking or being in a relationship. Prayer is simply communication with God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit who is my ultimate counselor in times like these, we not only receive peace for our hearts when we pray but can receive counsel in knowing what to pray as we intercede and pray for others during this time. Yes, prayer is a mysterious gift, and supernaturally- God’s wisdom and grace seek to spread fast amidst the fear.
Yet, the virus is spreading fast. Many who have not taken this pandemic seriously needed a wake-up call. I am thankful for resources out there that help the general public understand the seriousness of this call like the “Sobering Math Everyone Must Understand About the Pandemic” As fear rises up in some, we can counteract that fear by allowing prayer and acts of kindness to spread fast among us all! Rather than Fearmonging being the norm, I love how the “Caremongering” sites are popping up all around. As acts of service are obvious gifts to our communities, we need to understand the gift and necessity that prayer is in times of need.
Prayer Connects Us
People are realizing more and more how interconnected we truly are. There is one human race- made up of many different ‘racial expressions’ spread out among the nations. We often feel divided on issues of the color of our skin, politics, religion, economies of scale, etc. etc., but when it comes to life and death- we recognize our frailty. We realize we have more in common when we face health issues and global pandemics. Life is fragile. God is not concerned if you are religious, or if you are an official member of a church or have done this and that to accomplish great religious things to try and impress God or earn favor somehow with God, No- God simply looks at our hearts. Prayer is an invitation to connect with God.
We do what we can to stay safe and protect others through the new normative phrases like “social distancing”, obeying any quarantine orders or “self-isolation”. We’re all in this together whether we like it or not. Through that interconnectedness, we can be easily influenced by the reactions of others. Some can influence to live by fear or by faith. Faith responses will look different, as we are all created unique, so too shall be our responses in faith. I felt led to write this blog to inspire others to pray during challenging times like this.
As Covid 19 Spreads Quickly, So Shall Prayer
Prayer Requires Persistence
As Covid 19 spreads fast, my spirit rises up with faith knowing the importance of persistence in our prayer and acts of service to spread faster where we have the power to act. I’ve learned the importance of “protocol”. Faith leaders are calling people to pray in unique ways. The Bible says to “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). As a woman of faith who has had her share of faith testings, times of doubt and wrestling times with wondering if God is real or if He is listening, our shared humanity is acknowledged here regardless of your faith beliefs. If those are questions you ponder during this time- I want to encourage you by increasing your faith declaring God IS real and as you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you as He loves an honest query. He knows what we are thinking, feeling, wondering about and it is a mystery as to why He calls us to pray, but He does.
Pray Authentically
It breaks my heart to witness the ongoing chaos during a pandemic. We need to practice self-care and self-control with what to do with all the brewing emotions that can hurt us or hurt others around us.
Grateful for the faith leaders and Churches who are finding creative ways to connect online with their members to offer hope, wisdom, and peace. People of faith are not exempt from anxiety. We face normal emotions during times like these. True, this is new territory for us all- our generation hasn’t experienced anything like this. Because of the shifting, the unsettling, the displacement- our emotions come to the surface. We should understand our emotions and work through them rightly in prayer and as needed, with trusted professionals. A shout out to all the counselors and social workers who provide mental health reprieve sessions online like Cara Taylor with CTMentalHealth here in Saskatoon who assist people to navigate the pressures we are facing. I think it’s awesome how therapists like my sister Jennifer with Redeeming Grace can offer her services online through Telehealth in the US. Resources I’ve accessed in my community throughout the years are also making adjustments to meet people where they are at like PPC, Christian Counseling Services among others.
Give God your Fears, Your Anger, Your Tears, Your Questions… He Can Take It!
Some of the ugliness that rears it’s head online a ton these days is when contempt gets pointed at leaders and government. Heh, I get it. The Blame Game is easy to get caught up in. Yet- Call me Pollyanna- but In times like this, we can fuel our anger in more helpful ways. Many would shake their fist at God and ask “where are You “ or “Why do you let bad things happen”? I’ve heard it all, believe me, I’ve asked all those questions myself throughout the years. I remember the Old Testament book of Habbakuk spoke to me during a season years back when asking for answers to the why’s of another issue I was facing in the ’90s. I believe our Creator of heaven and earth, who made you and me is asking us all to humble ourselves and pray. This call goes far beyond the origin of a nasty virus and our desire to stockpile on toilet paper. Our full selves are being invited to pray and intercede with humility.
Why Pray?
It alleviates worry. By praying about everything we can receive peace (Philippians 4:6-7)
Prayer is asking for guidance and waiting for His direction or leading (Mark 1:35)
For our souls to be still and know that amidst the chaos, there is a Sovereign God who cares.
Jesus taught us to pray in a ‘model of prayer’ known as the Lord’s Prayer. (Matthew 6:5-13).
Prayer is where we connect with God by acknowledging His presence and our willingness to relinquish control over our lives or a situation. In this case- the Covid 19 Pandemic.
Prayer is where we can be completely free to come as we are- share all our emotions, our angst, faith, fears, depression, apathy, loneliness, giving it all to the Lord in prayer releases burdens we were never meant to carry. Christ calls us to “Cast all our cares on Him”( 1 Peter 5:7)
Asking for protection, healing, wisdom, and divine guidance for you, your family and world.
Prayer is an avenue that He communicates to His people in a way that gives heavenly license for earthly interference.
God doesn’t look at your ‘Credentials’, He looks at your heart. (1 Samual 16:7). By positioning our hearts to pray alone or with others, we are inviting God to move closer to us.
*Instrumental music by Dan Musselman from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Grateful for prayer and intercession groups like Multiply Online House of Prayer among other prayer connections I lean into here in my own province. A great blogpost by RedLeaf Prayer (Based out of Langley, B.C.) on this topic is definitely worth mentioning. Click here to read “Our World Has Changed” on March 14th, 2020.
Other Resources to Highlight
Max Lucado- Social Media Message on God’s Sovereignty and praying Psalm 91 as featured on CBN (March 19, 2020)
EFC Resources for Churches (3-20-2020)
The Cry Movement (including their National Day of Prayer for March 28th)
Context with Lorna Dueck- Children and Covid 19- We Can Do This Together (March 21)
Cathie Ostapchuck Gather Canada’s Message of Hope in the Face of Uncertainty (March 17th)
Shannon Ethridge Quarantine- Relationship Tips for Couples (March 19th)
Red Leaf Prayer- Our World Has Changed (March 13th)
CBC Article on Indigenous Jingle Dress Dancer from Manitoba and Prayer goes viral on social Media (March 21st)
NAITS Video Indigenous Theologian Dr. Terry LeBlanc, referencing “no Coincidences” on choosing their theme for their summer symposium
100 Huntley Street Full Episode- What difference does Faith Make in Pandemics like Covid 19 -Keeping the Faith (March 13th)
Compassion Canada How Compassion’s global program is equipped to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic (March 17th)
USA White House- Issuing a National Day of Prayer on March 15th, 2020
Joni and Friends- International Disability Center- Joni Eareckson Tada Shares a video message on the effects of Covid 19
Multiply House of Prayer Online House of Prayer based out of B.C. Canada.
Go 2020 Global Prayer Movement Calls Every Believer to Pray, Care and Share (3-21-2020) #nowmorethanever #hopebeyondfear #go2020
Danielle Strickland: Canadian speaker, author, change agent- starting many global movements
Plus a ton more I could mention but to keep this at a reasonable length, I’ll stop here for now.
*Disclaimer- Although my heart is for unity amidst diversity, I don’t necessarily ascribe to all teachings or practices or perspectives of all orgs, leaders or names I mention here within. We are human and are prone to error. “Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!”- 1 Corinthians 13:9
Hey friend- if you have any prayer resources you’d like to see featured here, or a favorite scripture- feel free to contact me directly or leave a comment below:)
Whew! I was on a roll. I could have written a book on this and included a ton more resources but stopped at 1800 words. There are many who have asked for a national or global day of prayer this month- and for some today on March 22nd. But prayer is not restricted to a day, an hour or a region. Prayer is a lifetime opportunity to connect with God that ultimately seeks to align us both individually and corporately in matters of holistic restoration: Spirit- soul- body.