Jodi Kozan

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Anchor House: School of the Bible

There is something about the ocean. I can’t tell you how often the imagery of the waves crashing in speaks to me of my spiritual journey and all my soul craves. The mystery of the ocean- it’s wind, riptides- and all its beautiful surroundings often reminds me that I have an anchor for my soul, and His name is Jesus.

Tim and I have been vacationing on the beautiful island of Kauai with our family in the state of Hawaii for years. One of the faith communities we have connected with the most over the years is with Kauai Christian Fellowship just minutes from where we stay. It’s our home away from home when we get the chance to pull away from the Canadian tundra we are blessed with here in Saskatchewan. I do love the changing seasons in Canada, but the relatively unchanging beauty found year round on the shores of Kauai is near and dear to my heart.

I’ve been watching the progress of a new venture they have been working on for years and in the fall it becomes a reality: Anchor House- School of the Bible! A one year immersive experience that launches in the fall of 2022. I have the honour of being one of their guest lecturers amidst a full line up of local staff, pastors, leaders and guest presenters from across the ocean. This might be an opportunity for you or for someone you love that is looking for an opportunity to pull away and be immersed in God’s creation to learn more about God’s love, purpose and plan for us. What a gorgeous place to connect with our Creator in such a holistic immersive way than the land of Aloha:)

To learn more about this exciting venture, Feel free to reach out to them (or me too) if you have any q's! Click on the link to learn more!

I invite you to join me in spreading some ALOHA by praying for Anchor House and all who are involved- The current students enrolled for the fall, those who are yet to register, the teachers, volunteers and the beautiful community who will launch this immersive faith adventure together!

Related post: Heavenly Hakus- A Crown of Love Blog post March 2019