Celebrating Sisterhood!
It’s encouraging to reflect back on all those I’ve encountered thus far on the journey. I am so grateful for the “God Stories” that have intersected with mine. They’ve encouraged, challenged, influenced, energized, motivated, chiseled my faith, moved me to tears that have shaped my heart with more love or inspired me with hope to take steps towards my destiny. The wisdom imparted from God’s heart to mine often appears through the life witness of another woman. (and men, but that’s for another series…)
If you are one of them, I say thank you for your transparency and allowing God to shine through you and all you’ve overcome.
Your Story Matters.
As I have shared my own story over an intimate conversation with our favourite cup of java in hand with a friend or spoke to groups large or small, a favourite quote I gravitate towards is: “Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, a victim into a victory.”
This weekend, I hosted a women’s retreat with my friend Becky here in Saskatoon. I love the theme, “Because You Matter: A Celebration of Women’s Voices”. I love the vision as she launches her book and grows her ministry Hummingbird Circle. (Keep this ministry in prayer and visit their site later this spring for more updates on other opportunities to engage.)
We laughed, we cried, we were inspired by some of the women in the Bible. Although we have not met these ‘sisters in faith’ face to face, we were met personally by the Spirit of God through their stories. How? Simply opening up the pages of God’s word and searched their “God stories” of the heart. Like Phontine known as “The Woman at the Well” (John 4) and Veronica, the woman who was bleeding for 12 years who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was healed (Matthew 9:18-26). Their stories transcends through time. Their lessons in faith intersect with ours. Cultural references may change, but spiritual truths stay the same.
The story that kicked the retreat off though was that of Eve, the first woman, the first mother, the first grandmother. In Hebrew (the original language of the Bible), she’s known as “Isha” (Adam/ “Ish”) . Throughout the weekend, we unpacked our Original Design, the effects of the Fall on our hearts, relationships and our world, and God’s plan/ His story of Redemption and Restoration.
The entire weekend was designed for us to reflect on our stories in light of God’s story. As I hosted the retreat, I shared my passion for stories of transformation and verses that have been meaningful to my own journey of faith in leadership and story development. Much of the content of the retreat was unpacking lessons in my friend Becky’s book “Isha: She Will Be Called”.
Every woman, each sister has a unique story to tell. How she tells it, when she tells it is as unique to her as is her DNA and personal calling.
If there is one thing for sure when I look over my life is the powerful word of God and it’s intent to bring truth, grace and restoration into our lives. There is power in the name of Jesus and how His life, death and resurrection power intersects with ours. His end game? Cheering you on as your life and all the intricate stories within the framework of your destiny is redeemed in and through Him.
Through sharing my own story, leading at my local church in the early years, to launching Women’s Journey of Faith in 1999 and Hope Restored Canada in 2016 with other fire-starters in faith, what is most evident is how one’s own personal story of faith has the potential to affect change in our hearts, communities and world. Just as Jesus asked Peter “Who do you say that I am”, (Mark 8:29) He is asking us that same question today.
Our Stories “In Christ” Matter.
*During the retreat, I shared one of my favourite resources “Who I am in Christ” as a handout to the women which is also available for download here:
Hosting this 5 session gathering this weekend on the tale end of this pandemic was life giving to me. (Yes we followed all provincial guidelines in case you are wondering). I ACHE for this pandemic to end for so many reasons. One of them is so we can all gather more intentionally in public events or in faith communities fostering Spirit led gatherings to minister to one another more freely with greater love, truth and grace.
You know…, not be so wound up by the real or perceived fears of a virus, the hinderance of wearing masks indoors to sing more freely during worship at public events. And for some communities, address the divisions or cancel culture mentality face to face that has eroded our communities with the vaccine mandates creating all kind of pushback or dependencies on us all.
Gathering this past weekend with a group of women in person (and via zoom), was pure joy.
Because so much of my life has been devoted to women’s ministries, cheering other women’s ministries on, speaking, sharing, praying, elevating women to empower them to walk in their destiny, I want to appreciate God and celebrate with Him for all those those “Sisters in Christ” who have impacted me throughout my life with their love, prayers words and actions Today, I celebrate sisterhood and all those stories of faith that will intersect with mine who have made a real difference in my heart, family and world.
Celebrating Sisterhood!
God is still writing my story, and as such- I have been hesitant to write my story down in full or complete the manuscript I began years ago as I know He isn’t finished with me yet. Yet by going through this retreat this weekend, I have more joy and confidence more than ever to finish my writing project and do so with a heart of gratitude and see this next season as one to celebrate what God has done in my life thus far. The theme of the retreat reminded me to celebrate all those sisters in my life who have also impacted mine throughout my life.
I will begin by celebrating one sister in faith in particular, who also happens to be my big sister Jennifer in Fargo, North Dakota. (I also have one younger brother Roger in Minneapolis, and an older brother who died as a stillborn baby who I believe I will see one day in heaven). Together with their families, my sister heart has found greater joy in reflecting on God at work in all of our lives this last season. The “Golden Threads and Silver linings” as penned in the Isha book, I honour them, my mom and dad, my family of origin and all my spiritual family that the Lord has blessed me with in the United States, in Canada (Since moving here in 1990) and all across the globe: Past- Present and Future. My sister Jennifer is 3.5 years older than me, and I literally look up to her as she is 6 feet tall, but also admire her/ celebrate her today and always as we seek to walk in unity amidst our diversity.
As I finish writing my story, my personal memoir this year, I can’t help but stop and celebrate each woman who has impacted me. There are thousands really- but I will highlight a few over this next while…stay tuned!
Regarding my sister relationship with Jennifer, we have gone through the highs and lows of life together over our 50+ years thus far. We’ve experienced our own individual highs and lows as well as our shared mountain top and valley times too. Our faith and our relationship over the years has been tested no doubt. We’ve watched, cheered, prayed each other through some difficult life experiences. Be it first hand or witnessing from afar, there has been tangible redemptive threads we can both see in each others lives and for that I am so grateful! There have been answers to prayer no doubt and there are others that are still miracles in the making. I am so proud of my big sister and look forward to what is next on her journey. She is currently a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founded Redeeming Grace Counseling based out of Fargo, ND. Without women’s stories like my sister Jennifer’s life story, I wouldn’t be who I am today. (Your story matters sister bear!) I find unity in the Spirit amidst our differences. I find joy knowing God has our stories and our future in the palm of His hand.
I believe the Holy Spirit has revealed to me these last few years as to why God has given me such passion, such conviction, such drive to see women thrive holistically, walk in Christ and the unity of the Spirit by pursuing God’s calling on their lives. Jennifer is one of those reasons. As sisters and friends (sometimes felt like enemies for a few years!), it has been God’s love and redeeming grace that has held our heads above water and strengthened us through and through. Now into our 50’s I believe we are walking as true overcomers- seeking to live by faith, walk in love and inspire destiny in others. Where would I be without my first sister by birth, friend by choice and sister in faith that will transcend into eternity? Through the years, she has become one of my trusted sisters in faith. Although she lives 700 miles away (or 1200 KM), she is near and dear to my ever expanding heart for sisterhood.
God’s Story/ Our Stories
It’s good to reflect.
It’s powerful to dream, pray and gather
It’s liberating to proclaim the promises of God and what is promised in His Word
It’s inspiring to recall the faithfulness of God as we consider where His story and our story intersects.
I celebrate the sisters who were willing to share their mess and give it to God and witness the joy of them sharing a powerful message to me or the masses.
I celebrate my sisters who acknowledge the tests in their life were opportunities to grow in faith and character where as I’ve born witness to their testimonies.
I celebrate the multitude of sisters who have undergone trials in life and at the appointed time, had grown in patience and tenacity to walk triumphantly in faith.
I celebrate how God has taken the victim mentality out of my sisters and have turned our thoughts, prayers, vocabularies, conversations and whole life witness to a supernatural victorious way of living no matter the opinions of others.
*If our messes are not quite messages yet, or your tests and trials are feeling like you are swimming in a fog…, may you have patience to wait for the Light to shine through. Your story matters. I pray for and contend for you sister. Your victory is right around the corner, your crown of joy is being polished by our Lord and waiting for you to step into that place for him to place it upon your head. Your story matters.
In closing, another reason why I am feeling compelled to celebrate Sisterhood, is the need for Wisdom in our relationships and in life. I love how God personifies wisdom as a sister. “Love wisdom like a sister; make insight a beloved member of your family.” (Proverbs 7:4). The key is that she is a trusted sister, the one who has your back, whose intentions are good and not evil. The kind of sister that builds up and not tears down. The one who overlooks offences and forgives quickly as she has been forgiven. The kind of sister who seeks to look for the best in you to honor and celebrate you and not be so nit-picky to always point out your wrongdoings. No, God wants us to love wisdom like a healthy, God honouring sister. One who has good boundaries and “fights the good fight” without a critical, judgemental religiously yoked banner. One that doesn’t get tied up in political banter, but respects the opinions, beliefs and boundaries of others without compromising who you truly are. The one who weeps with those who weeps and rejoices with us when we are rejoicing. In Christ, we all have the capacity to search for and love wisdom like a sister. But make sure you have a healthy vision of what that kind of sister is like. Once you do, your heart will have MUCH to celebrate and will see God’s design for womanhood, sisterhood through the lens of God’s original intent for us all.
*If you’d like to learn more about any of the resources, verses or statements made in this blog, don’t hesitate to ask! Simply reach out to me through my online form, https://www.jodikozan.com/contact or email at contact@jodikozan.com or subscribe to my blog and you can receive regular posts automatically in your inbox.
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