Daughters Day: Everyday-Everywhere.
Daughters Day- Ya, it’s a real thing.
I heard about it a few years back when a local member of Parliament posted about it on her social media. It started in India and is often celebrated through the world on the last Sunday of September- Today. (This year, Canada marked September 25th as the day.) Go figure.
Grateful for these four ladies in my life: Justine, Jaclyn Jess and Amanda. I have learned much from each one of them over the years. All created uniquely as one of the Kozan girls making an imprint- impact on the world. I appreciate their love, gifts, personality and q's in life. They inspire me in many ways as momma bear. Their life experiences: challenges, highs and lows- dreams, hopes and successes creates opportunities for beautiful resiliency- courage- wisdom and grace.
Daughters day sparks thoughts towards my own journey as a woman, a daughter, a mom to 4 girls, and what it means to be a child of God.
For most of us, we don’t need a certain day though to highlight the importance of daughters. This year I do so, not just because of these fabulous ladies, I do so because of the status of women around the globe. Being a daughter, having a daughter points to the larger narrative of being a daughter of God.
Grateful to be a dual citizen of countries (USA and Canada) where there are basic human rights to live freely as a woman (for the most part). I couldn't imagine living in a country (or within a culture or system) that sees having a child who is female as second class or less than... I believe the truth that men and women are created in the "Imago Dei" (Image of God)- as referenced in Genesis 1:26-27. This to me is the foundation of understanding our identity.*
“Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.... So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:26-27 NLT
Grateful to raise daughters in an environment that seeks to uphold and protect equality and freedoms. With so many countries around the world, this is not so. I am no perfect parent- neither is my church, nor my government. But where systems line up with Biblical truths of identity, purposes and worth without fear, control and manipulation- people have an opportunity to grow-thrive-flourish. That is what I want for our four girls and all women around the world.
"Daughters Day" is relatively new to Canada and the USA, but I believe it began in India. Regardless of your worldview or faith perspective, I believe it is important for us all to know our countries charters- if you are a Canadian and need a refresher amidst these challenging times, (or are not and are curious)- the "Discover Canada" guide is a great resource to review what those “freedoms” are to enjoy and be protected:
"Freedom of conscience and religion; Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech; Freedom of peaceful assembly; and Freedom of association."
I appreciate the words within the "Discover Canada" guide as the charter attempts to articulate or summarize the basic rights: Mobility, Aboriginal Peoples Rights, Language Rights, Multiculturalism and the Equality of Men and Women which says:
"In Canada, men and women are equal under the law. Canada’s openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, “honour killings,” female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence. Those guilty of these crimes are severely punished under Canada’s criminal laws."
Over the years, I have had a heavy heart for those around the world who live in such oppression, yet realize that oppression begins when we tolerate degradation in our hearts, families and communities. Without the gift of prayer, faith and surrounding me with solid people of faith, mentors and resources, I would have been taken down because of the heaviness in my soul. I aim to contend for the restoration of all.
Oppression happens in a much broader way than those noted above no matter where you live. Shame , power and control holds countless daughters (and sons) from experiencing equality in the natural realm. My seminary journey has given me greater confidence knowing that theology matters in all of life’s concerns. Without addressing theology in this conversation, it is tough to envision a world where true equality is even possible. My prayer is that all would come to know the truth that they are created to be a child of God and live out of that outflow of love.
(With every right there is a responsibility, and I too think they are great to review too- click here to review the Discover Canada Guide on Rights and Responsibilities of a Canadian Citizen)
Just some thoughts to share on this day- “Daughters Day”. I know perfect peace, joy, love and equality within all hearts and nations will not happen until the future as foretold (as shared throughout scripture) through the prophets and Jesus Himself. Until then, I can- (you can) pray the Lord's prayer for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:9-13 ) as a posture of your heart each and every day.
*Recommended resources on Identity:
For Young Adults: the “I AM “ study by Sons and Daughters (My daughter Jaclyn shared this resource with me recently .
“Wolf Woman” A Search For Identity by Beatrice Wallace (Memoir- Regina SK)
Who I am in Christ- (Contact me and I will forward this 1 page handout of scriptures and affirmation of Truth of your identity in Christ as a Daughter (or son) of the most high God.
I Am Living on Purpose- Online course by Kaitlyn Cey
Christine Caine: books, podcasts and studies: (Unashamed, Unstoppable, Unshakable, Undaunted, Unexpected)