Jodi Kozan

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God's Tabernacle- Past, Present, Future

When you hear the word “Tabernacle”, what comes to mind?

A strange religious word? A zealous choir? Or perhaps you have some Biblical knowledge of the first Tabernacle God instructed Moses and the Israelites to build a tabernacle in the wilderness leading to other forms of the tabernacle throughout history? For me, it is truly one of the most fascinating topics one can engage in. After visiting a life size Moses Tabernacle here in my home province of Saskatchewan, I felt led to write here on this topic of God’s Tabernacle: Past- Present- Future.

God has a way of getting our attention through space and time in various forms to teach us of His truths, leading us to Him. For me, this includes the topic and study of the Tabernacle.

  • The first time I did a deep dive into the study of the Tabernacle as described in the Bible, was through Beth Moores first in-depth Bible study on the topic: “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place” (as her primary audience in her teaching ministry was to women). Published in 1995, I went through it with a dear friend Lisa Braun 15+ years ago, who has since passed away. (I wrote a blog in her honour in 2018 “Whispers of Hope”)

    “Perhaps no Old Testament event so dramatically illustrates God's persistent desire to relate to his children as the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness. Through the tabernacle God initiated a deeper relationship with His chosen People by bringing reconciliation and revealing his glory. And certainly, no Old Testament event so richly prefigures the coming of the true Tabernacle, Jesus Christ.”- Lifeway Publishers

  • The second time I was intentionally learning about the tabernacle was when Eleanor Funk had a miniature size replica of the Moses Tabernacle in an Adult Sunday School class at my home church in Saskatoon and wrote a study on the topic.

  • The third time was when a traveling exhibit of the tabernacle was going across Canada one summer as an activity for individuals, families and faith communities to tour and learn from.

  • The fourth time was my professor at Briercrest Seminary addressed the tabernacle in the study of the Pentateuch (The First 5 books of the Bible).

  • The fifth time I was focused on this topic was when I visited Israel in 2013 and 2015 and walking in the footsteps of Jesus himself and seeing the Bible more animated as I visited the many sites of both Old testament and New testament stories, I became undone. My tour guide encouraged me to press deeper to my beliefs and worldview as I was wrestling with the disconnect many believers and unbelievers alike are going through in terms of attaining peace, wellbeing and wholeness. (Click here to read more on that as I blogged on Holistic Restoration a few years back).

  • And lastly, this year studying the book of Revelation through a course offered at Horizon Bible College and Seminary offered for credit or audit.

Throughout these last few decades, I became more fascinated in the topic as I am learning more of the in depth meaning behind the tabernacle as it points to Jesus then, now and into the future- as well as who we are “in Christ” as the new tabernacle. So, when I heard that there was a new life size permanent display of the Moses Tabernacle along with some close friends of mine this summer, we knew we had to visit.

God’s Tabernacle: Past

Rather than looking to our finite understanding of what a tabernacle is, I am grateful for the Word of God to unpack the infinite lessons for life to lead us into all truth. Likewise, I am grateful for teachers of the Word who can help bring these truths to light. My learning journey will look different from yours- but I thought to share some highlights of my time at the SK Tabernacle Display along with some links and reflections with you here:

Eleanore Funk- It’s been her dream to have a life sized Moses Tabernacle in Canada for 40 years. Incredible!

It’s been a 40 year dream of Saskatoonian Eleanore Funk to have a life size Moses tabernacle display in Canada. Before the tour, she shared a miraculous story how it all came to be the last few years (when she was thinking it would not come to be…), as this was finalized in 2020. Given the challenges of the last few years, the word is slowly getting out. Feel free to reach out to her or the camp to set up a tour if you’d like to visit!

Eleanore (along with other volunteers trained to take people on the tour), leads people through a walk about tour in history explaining how God gave Moses the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20. One then learns how God instructed and commanded Moses to build the tabernacle, or “Tent of Meeting” in Exodus 25-40. This was built in approximately 1440 BC and was the place where God dwelt with his people for 400 years from the time of the Exodus to the time of King Solomon, when the temple was built.

As one learns (or relearns) how God gave such specific instructions to build the tabernacle, (the furnishings, materials and all items held within to construct a sanctuary for Gods presence to dwell among them), do we fully understand (or seek to understand) the deep parallels for us today?

An aerial view of the Moses Tabernacle Display housed at the Youth Farm Bible Camp in Rosthern, SK Canada.

There is much to glean from studying the Biblical story of God’s tabernacle through the ages. As you walk through the Moses Tabernacle Display, I believe the Spirit of the Living God is inviting us to a deeper understanding of our purpose in life, His character, and our own personal journey of faith. He speaks through the tour guide as His word unfolds before your eyes! Each aspect of the Tabernacle points to a spiritual reality that is designed to bring revelation and insight into the past, our present and the future as prophesied throughout scripture.

*Tabernacle Symbolisms Pointing to Spiritual Truths Today:

This includes: (but not restricted to) “Build a Sanctuary”- a Tabernacle-a dwelling place/ our hearts:

  • Outer Courtyard

    • Gate of the Court (Exodus:27:10-16, 38:14-19, John 10:9)

    • Court Fence (Exodus 27:9-18, 38:9-20, 40:33)

    • Bronze Altar (Pointing to Christ’s sacrifice: Gen 2:17, 3:21, 4:3-7, Exodus 27:1-8, 40:6, 10, 29, Leviticus 1: 16; 17:11, Isaiah 59:2, Romans 3:23, Hebrews 9:25, 10:10, 26-31)

    • Offerings at the Alter (Pointing to several offerings made for different purposes: Burnt, Grain, Peace, Sin, Trespass offerings Leviticus 1-6, Hebrews 8:3, 9:11-14, 18-22, 10:1-4).

    • Bronze Laver (Pointing to the cleaning of our hearts, a purification process to enter into the Tabernacle Exodus 27:1-8, 40:6, 10 29, 30:17-21, 40:7, 30-32; Ephesians 5:26, Hebrews 22).

  • The Holy Place

    • Tabernacle/ Tent of Meeting (Exodus 25-26)

    • Table of Shewbread (We can be fed spiritually by the Living Word of God. Exodus 25:23-30, Hebrews 9:2)

    • Golden Lampstand (We can be enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Exodus 25:31-40)

    • Alter of Incense (Points to prayer, communication with God and intercession. Exodus 30:1-37, Hebrews 9:2)

    • Veil (Points to entering God’s presence boldly through Christ. Exodus 26:31-33, Hebrews 10:19-20)

    • Priests and the garments (Points to our own service to God and others Exodus 28:36 (inscription on turban: “Holy to the Lord”), 15-28 (Breastplate with 12 Precious Stones), 30 (Urim and Thummim), 39 (Sash), 28:4 & Psalm 132:9 (Ephod), 34 (Robe), 33-34 (Bells and Pomegranates), 28:39 (Fine Linen Tunic), 28:4, 39, 29:6 (Turban) 9-12;39:6-7 (Onyx stones on shoulders), Leviticus 16:12-13, Hebrews 9”4 (Censer of Burning of Coals).

  • The Most Holy Place

    • Ark of the Covenant- (John 6:44, Ephesians 2:8-9, Exodus 25:10-16, Hebrews 9:4,)

    • Mercy Seat (Exodus 25:17-22, Hebrews 9:5)

    • Cloud and Pillar of Fire (Exodus 25:8, 22, 29:43, 40:34-38)

God’s Tabernacle: Present

God is after our hearts.

Our Creator, maker of heaven and earth. The One who was, who is and who is to come is not so concerned with all the ‘religious things’ one does or one does not do. No, what I’ve learned in my journey is that God is after my heart. What we do in this life matters. Our thoughts, our words our actions matter. God sees it all.

We need to take a good hard look at our lives each day and say to ourselves. “Is what I am doing bringing me closer to His heart and character of God and His will for my life or is it pulling us away from Him. Even things related to religion and spirituality. Have they become a chore? A duty? i.e. doing things out of obligation rather than a genuine outpouring of our souls to God? In this ever so polarizing world, we need to press into truth, seek out genuine spirituality that is based on truth so that we can truly embrace more fully the greatest commandment to “Love the Lord God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our strength.” (Matthew 22:36-40) A visit or study to a Tabernacle replica from the past helps to steer us in the right direction to do just that.

For the last few years, “ I keep hearing in my spirit: “guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of Life.”

Like the gate to the tabernacle, our hearts need to be guarded. What to let in, and what to keep out. We are living in an age of great confusion, especially when it comes to our purpose in life. Who or what do we give our lives to? Who or what do we give credit to for the purpose and meaning of life? Rather than looking to the world for answers, I believe the Word of God has the answers our hearts and minds are looking for. Where many are feeling the pull of feeling discombobulated as persons, the tabernacle speaks to holistic restoration- the oneness and integration as we were designed to be Spirit- Soul- Body. As new Testament believers in Jesus Christ, the word confirms the truth that our bodies, our whole being is now the new tabernacle in Christ:

Practitioners of the so called “new age” movement have tried to capitalize on humanities quest for holistic health- but we must be on guard for spirits that are not of God. They may understand the importance of the basic principles of alignment and integration, but there can be deception with regards to spirits and spirituality. As a result, much discernment is needed. God’s word is an anchor for my soul in this regards. My experiences in life have given great insight in this arena. As such, I am passionate about the lessons gleaned from The tabernacle- especially when it comes to holistic restoration and another profound takeaway from studying the tabernacle:

  • Body: Outer Court: Represents our physical body, our actions, our public life

  • Soul: Holy Place: Private between us and God. Our soul is like the Holy Place where we surrender to Jesus Christ. Our soul is our mix of our mind, will, emotions, personality, conscious and character both good and the ba. The lessons gleaned here reminds us of how God prepares us to enter into the “Holy of Holies”, where God makes this possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Spirit: Holy of Holies: The place where our soul longs for a deep connection, a genuine authentic relationship with our Creator for the spirit to dwell with God through Christ and the empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit. The life giving part of me where God speaks, moves, breaths life into our soul which can impact our temporary physical body in the here and now. This ultimately points to eternal life with resurrected spiritual bodies that will live eternally with God forevermore. In this space, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

Praising God- No Matter What

Last night, my local church hosted a worship night. It was a night of celebration and I had the honour of singing in the side choir as we joined the worship team in 90 minutes of worship unto the Lord. Sure, our local church is going through our own share of challenges, and celebration may not seem natural at a time where there is much to address or issues to tackle. And yet, I believe it was supernaturally the perfect timing of a celebratory service. I have personally found the joy of praising God, no matter what. As I look over my life from childhood to the present, what has been consistent in my spiritual journey is the importance of worshipping God. It may have started out as a ‘religious practice’ as my parents would take us to church, but ultimately that practice became a lifestyle. Praising Him for who He is. Giving thanks for what He’s done. When pressures of life are caving in, discouragement looming, spiritual warfare pressing forward, I continue to learn how pressing in with worship and praising God with declarations of faith, truth, hope, and love of God for myself, my family and the world around me brings joy like no other. As I do, I “enter His thanksgiving with praise” in a church sanctuary with hundreds of other believers, or in the privacy of my home, car or out for a walk in nature.

Psalm 100

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Worship the Lord with gladness;

come before him with joyful songs.

Know that the Lord is God.

It is he who made us, and we are his;

we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving

and his courts with praise;

give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;

his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

God’s Tabernacle: Future

Many believers ask “So what’s the tabernacle going to be like in the future?”- I’ve travelled to Israel twice in 2013/ 2015, , finished a seminary degree in 2020 and now studying more on end times which includes gleaning truths and insights from the book of Revelation (and Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah and other passages in the OT and the NT alike.) To say it’s fascinating is an understatement. Sometimes I feel like a giddy child going to Kindergarten, yearning to learn more of God and His ways. As the future seems quite uncertain to many given all that we are going through globally, our eyes need to look up. (Not the satirical/ mocking type 2020 movie spoof: “Don’t Look Up”), but truly to look up to God and His plans for humanity.

As I prep for teaching a class soon in Hawaii at Anchor House on “Having an Undivided Heart in a Polarized World,” I’ll l be including some lessons from the tabernacle- past/ present- future. As intriguing and helpful it is to learn the various world-views and understand the various beliefs out there- without a solid biblical Theology (Study of the nature of God) and a biblical understanding of Eschatology (study of the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind ), we can be easily deceived into following manmade structures of moral authority. Our modern day Babylon tendencies to “do what is right in our own eyes,” (Judges 21:25), and to “make a name for ourselves “ (Genesis 11:4 )is a pattern to humanities demise. Read Revelation my friend with eyes wide open, a soft heart towards prophetic truths and spiritual ears to hear what the Spirit of the Living God is saying to us. By understanding God’s intent for the original tabernacle, we can have greater capacity to discern God’s will for us today and our part to play in His kingdom purposes as He prepares us for what lies ahead.

Below I’ve included a 148 page workbook on “When Heaven Meets Earth” by the Bible Project , a 12 part Biblical study on Heaven that includes The Garden Temple, The Tabernacle, Jesus as the Temple, Humans as God’s Temple, and the New Heavens and the New Earth”.

Further Resources:

“When Heaven Meets Earth”- Study by the Bible Project

The Moses Tabernacle in Rosthern, Saskatchewan

*The Tabernacle: Symbolism in the Tabernacle Visual Pamphlet by Rose Publishing

“A Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place”- study by Beth Moore by Lifeway

Other Bible Project videos related to the Tabernacle, Click Here

  • Episode 1 “Royal Priests of Eden”

  • Episode 2 “Abraham and Melchizedek”

  • Episode 3 “Moses and Aaron”

  • Episode 4 “David the Priestly King”

  • Episode 5 “Jesus the Royal Priest”

  • Episode 6 “The Royal Priesthood”

In closing- as I look at this photo of the “Bronze Alter” I snapped that beautiful July afternoon visiting the Moses Tabernacle in Rosthern, Saskatchewan for the first time. So grateful we live in a day and age where He does not require the sacrifices of the Old Testament as Jesus Christ became the ultimate sacrifice. I want to leave you with one question to ponder or pray through, as God did His part and we must do ours.

As He gave His all for us by dying for our sin, what sort of sacrifice may God be asking you to give today as your way of showing Him of your love and desire to serve God ? Is it your Time- Talent- Resources? I know full well, that if left to ourselves, we are very self focused. Selfishness is overcome when we live for God and serve others more and more. It’s all for the kingdom of God for the sake of humanity. If it’s unclear to you now- I encourage you to pray and ask God to speak to you and do all that you can to wait upon Him for the answers. That waiting can be active listening as you worship Him, read His word and practice spiritual disciplines as mentioned throughout the Bible. When you engage to “enter His gates with thanksgiving in your heart”, you can truly posture your heart to await God’s leading to take that next step on your journey of faith.

Recommended Resources:

  • TBA

  • Reach out to me to learn more about Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts.