Holistic Restoration?
“Holistic” Restoration
Some people can get weirded out by the term holistic.
I get it.
It’s broad and profoundly intricate in nature that our mind often fights with this concept as we find we want to compartmentalize things in our world, including us. One of the definitions of Holistic is:
relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts
The Concept
This concept isn’t “new” by any means as if it was coined by many practitioners popping up that are adding ‘holistic’ to their namesake. Many Indigenous practices promote a sense of wellbeing of the whole person. Tools like the Wellness Wheel are being utilized which has evolved over time to address the many facets of our lives. More health care practioners are acknowledging one’s need to engage in spiritual practices too. The question is, which spirit are they engaging or evoking? Not all “Spirits” are of a Holy God and discernment is needed. Regardless, our culture is more open to the concept of “holistic restoration” and our need for it. How we go about that is quite another story.
I felt ‘discombobulated’ for years and on my journey to restoration, whereas I was frustrated with being treated or dissected into ‘parts’. I.e. go to church for spirituality, doctor to talk about the bodies ails, and counselor to discuss mental wellness and so forth.
Why is this Important?
I’m an advocate for Holistic Restoration and I am grateful for the rise of more clear teaching in this area. I know I’m not alone as we see the Life Coaching and Spiritual Direction vocations growing in order to help people understand the complexity of one’s personhood and areas of wellness. Our faith communities would bode well if we normalized this conversation.
It’s Biblical to see our whole being created to function as ‘one’, yet it is sometimes easier to compartmentalize our being. There is a ton of info out there- with umpteen ‘experts’ in the field, cultural practices, remedies, it can be truly overwhelming. Some are helpful and others-Um, NOT. My soul has ached to find answers and I’ve been determined to learn more about the spirit- soul-body connection. When did that begin?
I believe it’s when I first encountered excruciating pain in my back in 1999. Although back pain hasn’t been the only health issue I’ve encountered in my life, it has been one of the more prevailing ones through the last 20+ years. The pain has come and gone through the years, and God has taught me much through pain and suffering. I believe God is good and He has the capacity to heal directly or through people. At the same time, the Bible is full of lessons learned through the dark valley times. Yet, I press onward on a quest for wellness. In heaven, I believe I will be completely whole and eternally healed on all levels of my existence, but until that time- I believe it’s our mission to set out on that journey of or towards restoration.
Finding Guidance
The Lord knew I needed a greater understanding of this concept when God spoke to me through my tour leader Arie Harel when visiting Israel for the first time in 2013. After touring one of many incredible holy sites, we got into a discussion on health and wellbeing. He said, “Jodi- when you get back to Canada, I encourage you to prayerfully consider if you have a ‘Hebrew’ mindset or ‘Greek’ mindset when it comes to your being” He went on to confirm how Hebrew thinking sees spirit, soul, body meant to function as one.” Upon further prodding, he was alluding to how false spiritual beliefs like Dualism or Gnosticism has crept into one’s understanding of health and wellbeing, i.e. one’s Spirit’s good, whereas matter’s bad. More recently, one of my Seminary classes covered all the various forms of heretical thinking and its roots which was extremely helpful.
What Does the Bible Say?
The Bible refers to the whole person in a few ways such as “Spirit, Soul, Body” (as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 from the Apostle Paul), whereas in the Shema prayer of the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 6:4 refers to heart, soul, strength. Jesus references this in Mark 12:29-31 as the most important commandment and the second being to love your neighbor as yourself.
I’ve found that it is not selfish to practice self-care. How can I be of service to my family and community if I don’t take care of myself in all the intricate ways God leads me in? With regards to my back- I’ve found great relief with learning more how to destress, meditate, practice deep breathing, prayer, self-acceptance, walking, and more recently Pilates. This month, the Pilates studio I belong to is running a story on me called “Alignment: Spirit, Soul, Body.”
When they asked me to contribute to their blog, I knew that I could encourage people that it’s never too late to take their health more seriously. Although I still continue with some health issues, I am experiencing greater alignment as I am more centered and on the path to more “Embodied spirituality”. I’ll write more on that later- but for now, I wanted to post some thoughts about holistic restoration and what the Bible has to say about it all.
What Could Holistic Restoration Actually Look Like?
In 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Paul reiterates the importance of our whole selves (Spirit, soul, body) being free and kept “blameless” as we live our lives here on earth. Tough to do on our own strength. As I think of Holistic Restoration, these things come to mind:
Being spiritually united with God (See the doc “Who am I in Christ”)
Finding rest for my whole being- walking in truth and grace for my whole being in that rest: Mental rest, spiritual calmness, appropriate emotional responses to life situations,rest for my body finding center, and alignment etc.
Balance within relationships
Stewardship of my time, resources, gifts
Overcoming past trauma (Read a book called “The Body Keeps the Score” that affirms restorative movement in one’s process of healing and recovery. This was a secular book that had some good things to say but I also had some red flags as it was devoid of spiritual truths which from my perspective, MUST include a relationship with Jesus Christ- the only one who can truly heal us completely.
Keeping an eternal mindset, knowing that I’m just passing through this earth and my time here is finite. This body will fail me at some point and yet I pray I live a long and healthy life to the best of my ability according to the will of God. He does His part, it is up to me to steward well what He’s given me for such a time as this.
My capacity for joy and other fruits of the Spirit and so much more:) I’ll share with you later what I’ve been discovering on this wellness journey as I know I will be FULLY restored in Heaven- Spirit/ Soul/ Body, but for now- I am on a journey to restoration.
PLUS this list could go on and on. Point is, we are interconnected- every part of our being- me Jodi in all of my personhood. I invite you into a journey of alignment: Spirit, Soul, Body. May we find comradery with the prayer found in Isaiah 38: 16 which confirms who gives us our life and breath and recognizes our need for restoration.
For more reading or study on this topic, I recommend the following resources:
“What is the Soul? Is it different from the Spirit? Zondervan Academic
“A Theological Description of Human Wholeness” James K Bruckner
“The Shema” from the Bible Project series unpacks the meaning behind each main Hebrew word of the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4: Shema/ Listen, YHWH/ Lord, Ahavah/ Love, Lev/ Heart, Nephesh/ Soul, Meod/ Strength.
*Feel free to send me any resources that you have found to be helpful on this topic!