Jodi Kozan

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Hopeful for 2022

2022! Are you ready to jump in? Let’s choose hope!

When picking out the design for our 2021 Christmas card last month, I felt especially drawn to a New Years card instead. The Shutterfly Co. template “Hopeful in 2022” stood out to Tim and I as it felt like a statement, a declaration for us, our loved ones, community and world.

Rather than writing a lengthy list of New Year’s Resolutions, I thought to kick off 2022 by encouraging you to dig deep as to what your soul hopes for and walk, dream, pray in that direction If you are in a place where your hope factor is off the charts awesome, God bless you! Don’t keep it to yourself, spread hope all around. Or, you may be at a place in life where you might need to reflect on where you’ve lost hope, and why. Was it simply optimism snuffed out? Or perhaps misplaced hope or wishful thinking? Or maybe it was truly genuine God given hope for what aligns with His promises and hope was snuffed out from the painful circumstances of this world.

The enemy of our souls would like nothing more than to lead us into a state of hopelessness. If the devil and his minions can’t accomplish that in our lives, the next goal is to keep us in a state of confusion and distract us from where everlasting Hope, Love, Joy, Peace and Eternal Love is found.

Jesus did ask us to pray for His kingdom to come and his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (The Lord’s Prayer/ Matthew 6: 9-13). I know when my hope has been misplaced or waining, I have gently been reminded to come back to Center and pray for the Kingdom of God to be re-established and aligned in my heart. I know the more this world or its people disappoint my soul, (including my own self sabotaging disappointments in life), the more God reminds me to have an eternal mindset.

Regardless where you are at on the journey, a good place to start to hope more (or hope again), is simply reflecting on the word Hope:

Definitions of Hope

Websters Dictionary defines hope as both a verb and a noun:

As a Verb: “ to cherish a desire with anticipation : to want something to happen or be true (hopes for a promotion hoping for the bestI hope so). 1: to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillmentI (hope she remembers. hopes to be invited). 2: to expect with confidence. Trust. (Your mother is doing well, I hope.) hope against hope: to hope without any basis for expecting fulfillment

As a Noun: 1a: desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment (came in hopes of seeing you) also : expectation of fulfillment or success (no hope of a cure when they were young and full of hope) b: someone or something on which hopes are centered (our only hope for victory) c: something desired or hoped for( great hopes for the coming year).

Yet, in my experience, hope is more than a word, it’s a position of the heart. Most of us have had our hope factor challenged with all the setbacks we’ve faced over our lifetime, let alone the trials we have faced during these last few years both personally and corporately. These setbacks can either make us or break us.

There is an Anchor of Hope for our Soul

Hebrews 6 describes hope as an anchor: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure….” (Click here to read this passage in context). As a refresher for what Biblical hope is and why the writers inspired by God’s Holy Spirit, it’s key to study the root word of Hope as the team at the Bible Project do so eloquently:

Bible Teaching/ Definition on Hope:

  • The Bible Project does excellent work unpacking Biblical root word definitions. Their video below unpacks two Hebrew descriptions of hope including “yakhal” (to wait for), and “quavah” (the feeling of tension and expectation while you wait for something to happen). The advent word study isn’t just for Christmas as there is a much broader picture of hope as we live in a hope filled state and await Jesus’ second coming as well (as prophesied and promised throughout scripture):

    ( 4 minutes and 33 seconds)

Click here to read more of the themes of Biblical hope:

A Prayer for Hope in 2022!

Prayer is a gift that God has given us to bring peace to our hearts, an outlet to grow in hope as it’s a a two way conversation with our Creator. A New Year’s resolution for us all might just be a check in with our own hearts. To do just that, contend for the quietness your soul craves to be still before God. If that isn’t the norm in your life- fight for that. Do all you can to make prayer a priority in your everyday life. God knows our needs, He knows the condition of our souls and He is waiting us to be still enough for us to hear His voice and for us to pour our hearts out to Him. The Bible reminds us that when” we draw near to God, He will draw near to us”. (James 4.) When we are in prayer, allow yourself to be real before God to give praise for who He is, be honest and authentic with your hopes, dreams, fears or concerns. Allow the Holy Spirit to convict you of any selfish motives that is contrary to His will and boldly ask the Lord to speak to you. Here is a suggested prayer to kick off 2022 by praying scripture and unpacking verses like Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

  • Faith: “I choose to believe You are who You say you are. I know You are a supernatural God and Your ways are higher than my ways. Give me faith to believe in Your character, Your plans for us and this world.  These are challenging times. Thank you for Your Word. Thank you for the unrelenting faith of Your people of days gone by and those with us today. You said in Your word that “faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains”..Give us faith to plant those seeds of faith in our hearts and the ability and passion to sow those seeds in the wandering hearts today…

  • Confidence: “…Forgive us for harbouring selfish pride, withholding forgiveness, giving into fears and putting our full confidence in things or people. Forgive us for when we put our full hope and confidence in ourselves (confidence in “the flesh” Philippians 3:1-4), other people, and systems of this world. May the words of the Hymm “ In Christ alone, my hope is found” ring true in me. Give me supernatural wisdom and discernment to know the difference of God confidence and self reliance...”

  • Hope: “…Your word says that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength and we will soar on the wings like eagles. You said we will walk and not grow weary. I ache for that kind of Hope! Help us to wait patiently for where your perfect will of restoration will happen on this side of heaven and for is to come for eternity. Give us the capacity to walk that line with grace of patience and eagerly waiting for your return for the restoration of all things…”

  • Assurance: “…Thank you Lord that you have given us signs throughout Your creation, in Your word and through the testimony of your people that You are in control (and we are not). Take our fears, doubts, pessimism or sense of hopelessness and replace it with a deep sense of assurance that You are with us, for us and about to do something incredible in our midst…”

  • See: “Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus. Help us to see your eternal plan unfolding all around as we watch the news, interact with others you have called us to and have the ability to truly see the world how You see it. Give us ears to hear and eyes to see.” We give you today, this week, this year ahead.   (Pray for specific prayers that are on your heart today_______________________________________________________________________) Father God, widen our understanding of prayer and intercession. As the pandemic has impressed us the importance of front line workers for the physical health and well being of all people, give us a passion for prayer and a fresh revelation that we are called to be Your frontline workers to pray and serve this world in need. Help us to pray as you instructed throughout Your word with the spiritual armour you promised :the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness in Christ, shield of faith, sword of the Spirit, belt of truth, and the gospel shoes of peace/shalom/ as ministers of reconciliation. Thank you for empowering us with supernatural hope for this next season. We need it. ”


Resources available through The Bible Project

To take a deeper dive into the study of God’s word to awaken your hope factor, I’ve shared a few online Bible study options including the Bible Project’s amazing “Classroom” which are “free self-paced, graduate-level Bible classes online. These classes are designed to equip learners with study tools that foster deep engagement with the biblical story.”

Keeping it Real

Hey friend, I’m resolving to have a Happy Hope Filled New Year. I’m only human (as you are too) So…If you catch me being all cranky pants, (complaining, pessimistic, negative Nancy like), feel free to remind me of this call? We are all in this together!