Identity- Part 3 (Who I Am in Christ)
During this pandemic, one of my deepest heart cries is to pray for alignment. A reset or recalibration of sorts.
Rather than focusing on the chaos, we’d focus on the blessings that can happen if we are less about the rat race mentality and more about what really matters. A reset of our heart. For me? Identity has been a huge topic of conversation in my life and have spoke about it for nearly 20 years. During the last 4 months though, it’s like God has a magnifying glass on humanity as He searches our hearts as we too are invited to search ours. Where or who do we put our hope and faith in? What is our identity? How do we view others? I’ve blogged a bit about that this summer.
Identity Crises?
All of us have struggled in some way shape or form of identity. If you haven’t noticed, our culture is facing an identity crisis- big time. We are continually bombarded with internal messages that seeks to distort our true identity. External pressures also seek to define us too. How many of us are running to people, positions, material possessions, vanity, finances, success, or other temporal pursuits to define who we are? Our experiences in life try to define us- but as mentioned earlier in blog #2 on Identity, they can refine us if we let them. They were never intended to define us.
Many are wandering the world without a clue to who they are, why they were born, what sort of purpose might they have. It’s the great adventure of the soul throughout our human experience. The enemy of our soul will do everything to keep us from purposing or experiencing our true destiny. This identity crises can be silenced when we embrace our new identity in Christ each and every day.
Who I am in Christ
I want to introduce you to a resource I’ve adapted over the years- an ‘at a glance’ handout that helps to paraphrase some key scriptural verses in the Bible that answers some of my deepest longings for love, acceptance, security and significance. There are hundreds more as we find the treasures of truth in God’s word, but this is simply a tool in my spiritual toolbox which brings alignment for the soul. A beautiful invitation, or an exchange of the soul on our journey to restoration.
The Great Exchange
If you’d like to go deeper into a study of Identity and what it means to do the “great exchange” i.e. praying deep prayers of transformation and restoration, reach out to me my friend. I can recommend resources to guide you if you have q’s or are wrestling with this all. I don’t have all the answers- I’m on a continual learning curve myself. We are created to be in a relationship both vertically AND horizontally with others to journey with. I don’t know where I would be without those prayers, studies, faith communities and organizations that God used in my life to grow my faith. So much of that process was speaking to me of my true identity. I would be remiss to mention as well the people who have mentored, pastored and loved me through my own identity crises by praying for me, giving me a shoulder to cry on, or holding my arms up in faith. The battle is fierce. I know deeply how fierce that is. If you haven’t faced it yet- believe me, you will.
To read my 3 part series on “Identity’'- this past month:
Part 1 Identity (the good new of peace)
Part 2 Identity (It began in the garden)
Part 3 Identity blog post- ‘Who I am ‘in Christ’
To Download a PDF version of the “Who Am I in Christ”, Click here Version 1 , or Click here Version 2