Jodi Kozan

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Identity - Part 1 (The good news of peace)

I recently made a trip to the International Peace Garden . This particular one is located on the border of North Dakota and Manitoba within the Turtle Mountain region- the geographic center of North America. It was so serene there with lots of space to pray, and reflect on my life thus far. Fascinating to learn how this garden began as a vision of Canadian and American gardeners in the late 1920s and launched officially on July 14th, 1932 as a symbol of peace among the two nations. It has grown to be a symbol of the dire need for peace in our world. I’ve traveled back and forth from both countries for nearly 30 years now with the 11 hour trek to see family, but this is the first time I stopped at this beautiful place. Because of my story and the many border crossings throughout my life, I often ponder our longings of the soul or deeper meanings of ‘home”, “family”, ”citizenship” and “identity”. Our ethnicity, culture, our family of origin, people we’ve encountered, places we’ve lived, and all the positive or negative experiences in our life don’t define us, but they can refine us if we let it. What I am learning thus far about Identity begins first with a clear understanding of creation. In humanity’s quest for purpose, meaning, and equality, I believe God longs for us to see that our true identity begins first knowing we are all created in the image of God as referenced in Genisis 1;26-27. Since the fall, our hearts have been divided. History repeats the fruits of the wounded, broken and bruised hearts- and as a result, our mirrors are cracked and distorted. YET- Praise God, our full capacity to be image bearers was made possible when Jesus came to restore mankind. He’s done His part, ‘in Christ’, we must do ours.

Racism is one of the cultural parasites that is dividing humanity. What I am sensing is that without clear teaching on matters of the heart, our God-ordained eternal identity will continually be choked or thwarted by the chaos, darkness, hatred, i.e. the demonic powers in this world.

A friend in ministry Carmen Kampman from Lead Women Co. recently posted that she listened to a podcast by the Emotionally Healthy Leader’ while out for a walk: “God’s Revelation that Burns Through Racism: Part 1” I too listened to it that day as a result of that nudge. Since I have been processing and wrestling with the topic of identity, equality, and citizenship myself for some time, I found this message to be helpful where he taught about the good news of peace and the ‘new humanity’ as referenced in the book of Ephesians chapter 2-

  • Ephesians 2;14-18 'For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us. He did this by ending the system of law with its commandments and regulations. He made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new people from the two groups. Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility toward each other was put to death. He brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from him, and peace to the Jews who were near. Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us.

As I walked around the Peace Garden that day, I pondered the words of Jesus, ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.John 14;27

As a dual citizen, my patriotic loyalty sometimes wavered over the years-wondering where I REALLY belong here on earth. Do I “fit in”. Sometimes I feel like I belong in the USA where I was born and raised. Yet, I’ve lived in Canada longer with a family here of my own. Where I’ve lived, traveled, & experienced life thus far has broadened my worldview, provided opportunities, adventure, highs, and lows that have shaped much of my identity. Yet, my 2 passports don’t define me, my Creator does. Philippians 3:20 puts it like this: “But, our citizenship is in Heaven'‘. I consider myself a triple citizen. My heart and soul know my true home is heaven and I ponder the truths and promises of what is yet to come. That’s why Jesus teaches us to pray, '‘Your kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

Sure, our nationality, ethnicity, experiences, and all the unique qualities we have is important- but for me, it’s not the main thing when it comes to identity. This past month, many in Canada and the USA have mixed emotions about celebrating or waving their flag. Political discord, faith/ religious wars, racial inequality, gender-based disparity - sigh. it can drain our soul dry with hopelessness if we let it. What does it mean to be a “citizen of Heaven?” As with our own citizenship of where we call “home”, we have certain benefits and responsibilities of being a citizen there. So too is my citizenship in heaven. Peter’s message of the good news of peace and the call for a ‘new humanity’ speaks deep upon deep. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I am to be about the work of reconciliation, to be a messenger of the ‘good news of peace’ where and when possible. While meandering through the acres of flowers, plants, trees, and gorgeous landscapes, I sensed the Holy Spirit speak to my heart about spiritual truths of identity as I gazed upon the beauty in creation in all its diversity. I’ll write more on this topic- as the imagery of 'the garden’ fascinates me in this quest.

To read my 3 part series on “Identity’'- this past month:

Part 1 Identity (the good new of peace)

Part 2 Identity (It began in the garden)

Part 3 Identity blog post- ‘Who I am ‘in Christ’

To Download a PDF version of the “Who Am I in Christ”, Click here Version 1 , or Click here Version 2