Post Mother's Day Prayers for the Brokenhearted
As a follow up to my recent blog post "Are You My Mother", I wrote about the gift of honouring motherhood and all those who "mother" us throughout our journey of faith. There is much to be happy about on the topic of motherhood. At the same time, it is important to pause and reflect on the angst Mother's Day brings forth for many: both spiritually and relationally. If we can learn how to mourn with those who mourn and help each other be more authentic with the pains of life, we'd realize we all walk with a limp. Especially as mothers.
Mothers day (or other holidays we celebrate as rote) isn't always "Happy".
Let us be mindful to be empathetic towards those experiencing grief, in relational pain or experiencing darkness or depression as a result of the topic of motherhood. Let's pray for those who are experiencing great sorrow as a mom, or reflecting on the concepts of motherhood without resolve at this time:
Mothering Grief
The resources below are intended to inspire and equip us to be an encouragement for us to support those who are brokenhearted in their mothering journey. These are just a few suggested resources, scripture verses and prayers:
Father God, we pray for the moms who have lost children through miscarriage, the stillborn experience or abortion. Only you can comprehend the pain and sorrow of losing a child. (One resource that helped me tremendously in this area is "I'll Hold You in Heaven." It modelled intense grace amidst and hope amidst the mothering journey of grief and travail.)
"For those who have lost a child to death, Jack Hayford provides compassionate answers to troubling questions such as, What happened to my baby after it died? Will I ever see my baby again? Will I recognize him? what happens if I&rsquo've had an abortion? Does God have a reason for letting my child die? God's Word shines with hope in the dark night of human pain. God showed his tenderness when David lost the child he had with Bathsheba shortly after its birth. In his pain and grief, David spoke the word of revelation and a reassuring word of God's truth(2 Samuel 12:19-23). The freeing truth of the Word of God promises that, like David, you will hold your child again in heaven."
Dear God, I pray for those who are turmoil today as a result of broken relationships. May they find peace amidst the storm and to allow God to nurture them deeply as they cry out for peace. (I recommend Lisa Bevere's book "Nurture" as it spoke hope into my mothering journey and other relationships I held dear).
"Nurture (verb): 1. To give tender care and protection. 2. To encourage to grow, develop, thrive, and be successful.
This beautifully describes what God's daughters so desperately need. In this heartfelt work, Lisa explains how women of all ages must awaken and restore their capacity to give and receive nurture. The need for this indelible force is far more urgent than we know. Is it possible we are too busy surviving to assure that the vulnerable among us thrive? Are we too guarded, wounded, and afraid to open our lives to the nurture of others? What can be done to reestablish this language of the feminine heart? It is time women are healed and empowered."
Dear God, I pray for the mothers whose children were taken from this life too soon with addictions that rob, kill, steal and seek to destroy their lives as well as those moms who have lost children through disease/sickness, accidents and horrific tragedies as a result of living in a fallen world. I know you don't directly cause evil, or find any joy in seeing Your people suffer so. Please help us to understand what to do when tragedy or some sort of evil strikes our loved ones. Help my unbelief. Take my anger and use it for something good. This burden is just too heavy to bear. (I recommend resources from authors like Carol Kent, who wrote "Tame Your Fears", "Unshakable Faith", "Unquenchable", "When I Lay My Isaac Down" , "Between a Rock and a Grace Place", or "A New Kind of Normal" to encourage anyone, especially parents when faced with many of life's setbacks).
The world will not experience the fullness of a perfect happy Mothers Day until perfect love and the fullness of truth, grace and supernatural unity are fully realized in the heart of mankind. May our hearts break for what breaks the heart of God.
Healing for a mothers heart, family, world.
Oh God, Give us the strength to believe that you will heal the brokenhearted. We pray for the injustices plaguing the globe where we see helpless, hopeless mothers and daughters, women and girls who are in dire poverty, experiencing exploitation, abuse and neglect of varying kinds. The #metoo movement is a wake-up call for our world to be filled with courageous men and women to stand up and be the voice for hope and freedom- fighting the good fight to create a world where humanity is renewed and restored.
A Note to the Brokenhearted:
If you are hurting, know you are not alone. When someone in your family, friend group or sphere of influence asks you how you are doing, don't be tempted to brush it off and reply- "Oh... Fine", thinking or believing the lie that no one cares, understands or wants to carry your burden with you dear one. Most importantly, reach out to your Creator. Scream, pray, cry, journal, allow yourself to deeply lament- don't hold it inside. God can take it. Actually, scripture tells us that heaven collects the tears and prayers of God's people. (Revelation 5:8). We may not see answers to prayer on this side of heaven, but we will in the life everlasting.