Jodi Kozan

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In our hyperdrive, information overloaded world- intentional REST is a sacred position to take for our whole being. I ‘m getting better at rest. I’ve witnessed the benefits of rest for me personally but also for my relationships and calling. Believe you me, I know burnout. I know what it is like to strive. I value rest and guard it much better so I can have better boundaries in my life- spiritual, emotional, relational, physical boundaries foster better rest for our soul.

(I believe God often His creation to lead us to a place of rest physically to reach out to him spiritually.)

Do we Rebuke or Embrace True Rest?

We aren’t created to live in a survival mode, a restful life helps us shift to a thriving mode. How are you doing in that department? Do you find rest- REAL embodied rest a gift to you? If so- awesome! If not, it’s good to ask yourself and of your Creator, Why?

Are you a go go go kinda person who hardly sits still?


Are you feeling unmotivated in life and lack purpose and meaning?

(Do we allow ourselves to be still enough, ditch the noise, the busyness of life to find rest for our souls?)

Faith Fact on Rest

  • Faith Fact: Rest is built into the Created order of the entire universe, the world and all created things. On the 7th day of the creation account, God rested.

(One of the most creative restful places I have stayed in recently- the Stargazer Treehouse rental in Tofino- If you’re wondering about my laptop…, I didn’t do work- no wifi and poor data forced me to rest even more, hah!).

REST Amidst a Tiring Road Trip!

I just flew home from a whirlwind road trip where I helped drive my daughters Jeep out to one of the westernmost tourist towns on Vancouver Island while she drove her restored Camper Van. I stayed in 7 places in the 10 day trip given the many hotels, a friends home and my other daughters home there. Whew! One of the places that refreshed my soul was a two night stay in a treehouse of all places! It was a Glamping Stargazing Treehouse. After 22+ hours of driving, it was a welcome treasure to this weary traveller. I brought with me the journal/ magazine by Obaahima and enjoyed the sound of rain on my glass ceiling above my comfy cozy bed amidst natures rustic beauty. If I need a little help getting to a more restful state, nature does it for me every single time.

(This is the 4th edition of Obaahima- my friend Theodora’s Journal Magazine-such beautiful diverse content!)

I appreciate the intent of Obaahima: Kingdom Woman and one of its aims “to be an intentional slow living journal/ magazine for women to pour their hearts out in journaling sessions.” - Click here to learn more or to order a digital or hard copy for you or a friend, it is so beautifully creative and engaging. Women submit essays, faith stories, poems, recipes and more.

In this fourth edition, I wrote an article entitled “Facing Changes: Heart- Family- World”

Helping my dad last year writing his memoir for the family, inspired much of this essay.

“It was pure joy unearthing the stories so he and mom could pass on wisdom gleaned to the next generations in book form. A labour of love for months on end as I helped interview, find photos, and help edit his literary gem to our family by highlighting all the changes he underwent and lessons learned along the way from the 1940’s to the present…. through the gift of storytelling, it was evident to see the changes in his soul over a lifetime.”

In this submission for this precious journal/ magazine keepsake curated by my friend Theodora, I addressed the many changes we see in our lifetime. As my grandparents have witnessed great change in our world, my parents generation likewise have witnessed a fast pace with the rise of technology. All of us can agree, that even the massive change in culture these last few years is enough for us to all want to scream if left to our selves. The main point of the essay was to encourage readers to grow in faith by focusing or “meditating on the unchanging nature of God” regardless what is happening all around us.

To order a copy of the Journal/ Magazine, visit

Why Rest?

  • Rest is key to the extravert and the introvert to flourish.

  • Rest is not being “lazy” or “non productive”?

  • Unrest-… God has given us our emotions and physical sensations and quite often we stuff down our emotions or neglect issues related to rest, anxiety or depression. Our body is telling us something, and sometimes screaming at us… are we listening? I was introduced to the book “The Body Keeps the Score” when attending a Sexual Violence Awareness Conference here in Saskatchewan with various social service sectors/ leaders/ a few years back with some team leaders serving with HRC in its launch stage. One more experience in my journey where I knew we weren’t addressing the Body as we need to in all aspects of society- including our faith communities.

  • Our bodies and all the intricate parts of our being (emotions, mental clarity, organs etc) won’t function if we don’t get basic rest and sleep. (Visit Sleep Foundation for interesting stats).

  • If we don’t live out of a place of rest, we will continually strive and wind up hitting walls or ditches and we will inevitably burn out.

  • If we don’t understand God created us to abide in Him and ultimately find rest “in Him”, we will keep reaching for fruitless ventures for purpose and meaning that will end of robbing, killing, stealing and destroying our soul.

Living out of Rest

I came across this impactful phrase in two ways over a decade ago:

“To avoid burnout :Divert Daily (Whatever relaxes), Withdraw Weekly (a sabbath), Abandon Annually (disconnect completely).”-

First by my previous pastor Harry Strauss, who would share this to me personally but also to our church community regularly. It reminds me of the importance of proactive, disciplined rest. He referenced that he first heard it from Rick Warren from 2009.

Jesus too reminds us in His word “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Matthew 11:28-29 The Message

(To read this passage of Scripture in multiple versions or translations, visit Bible Gateway by clicking here)

LOVE LOVE LOVE the message translation with the call to “Learn the unforced rhythems of grace. Jesus truly is the key to find rest for our whole being. Rest- Restoration, begins in the heart and His voice, this relationship will ultimately impact every relationship and decision around us if we walk with Him, work with him, watch Jesus, keep company with Him= True abundant, eternal rest that begins now until eternity. Yes and amen-Bring it on!

Bible Project Sabbath Study on “Rest”

If you’d like to dig deeper on the topic of spiritual rest, and the original meaning of Sabbath in Old Testament times for God’s people and what it means for us today, I recommend The Bible Project.: “What is the Sabbath? Explore the biblical concepts of seventh day rest and Sabbath and see how modern Christians can adopt this important practice.” Fascinating to learn/ relearn the importance of the number 7 and why God rested on the 7th day of Creation. It’s profound to reflect on how God designed rest for us personally and the call for humanity (Jews and “Gentiles” (aka non Jews) to find rest in Him.

*Hey friend, if you are looking for more resources to direct you on your journey of faith- journey of restoration, give me a shout and I’ll gladly share what has helped me (and others close to me) on this path to rest. I’ve named a few on my referral link here. For now, I’ll leave you with this song that meant a lot to me 20 years ago when I came across this song of encouragement from Nicole C Mullen “Come Unto Me” based on the the words of Jesus.

[Verse 1]
Are you looking for someone to be gentle
With your broken heart, your shattered dreams?
Are you searching for someone who'll be faithful
To you no matter what life brings?
Well I know the Maker of the storm, the sunrise;
He is both the Lion and the Lamb
He is strong enough to shake all earth and heaven
Yet meek enough to take me as I am
He says..

Come unto me all who are weary
And I will give you rest
Bring what hurts, bring your scars
Bring the load that you carry
And I will give you rest

[Verse 2]
Are the clouds above your head oh so heavy
Bursting with showers of despair?
Do you struggle under more than you can carry?
Has life given more than you can bear?
Would you like to trade your failures in for victories?
Like piles of ashes in for piles of gold
Can you fall down like a child who is helpless
So He can pick you up and make you whole?
He says....

Come unto me all who are weary
And I will give you rest
Bring what hurts, bring your scars
Bring the load that you carry
And I will give you...
