Sound of Freedom- My Take Away
I went to see the “Sound of Freedom” movie with a dear friend at the opening and then again with my husband on Friday. I highly recommend this film for most adults and teenagers.* At first I wanted to watch it to learn more about the story of Tim Ballard who founded “Operation Underground Railroad”, but this movie goes beyond this to connect the viewer to the larger story. What does this issue of sex trafficking and exploitation mean to you, to me? Some may think it’s just another conspiracy theory, but I assure you it’s not. If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the Official Trailer:
I know first hand, this injustice impacts us all whether we know it or not. If you are led to see this movie, I do pray it will encourage your heart to grow in courage to stand up to the face of evil with hope and determination regardless the dark issues we face in this world.
This is not an “entertaining movie” per say, but to me though, it’s a must see 🙏. It’s a beautifully depicted film that “exposes the worthless deeds of evil” as referenced in the verse below from God’s Word:
My Take Away
One of my greatest take aways with Sound of Freedom is “expose the evil” as referenced in Ephesians 5. (That verse has been a very familiar verse when shared with me in my late 20’s when an elder at my church was encouraging me in my mission at the time exposing the evils often associated with the Ouija board.) Some critics of the movie are trying to discredit it given the fact that there are some creative liberties of the film maker. Likewise, some are trashing it because they are lumping it with conspiracy theories- vs doing their own fact checking regarding trafficking and exploitation. It’s also important to note that movies like this are “inspired” by real life stories, but some pieces are changed to help make good movie endings. I found this article helpful in this regard “Sound of Freedom: History Vs. Hollywood and other sites to note:
“Based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places. After rescuing a young boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.”- Rotten Tomatoes
“While child pornography is a global issue, the United States remains the largest producer and consumer of child abuse content in the world.”- Thorn
‘Sound of Freedom’ Review: Jim Caviezel Anchors a Solidly Made and Disquieting Thriller About Child Sex Trafficking”- Variety
“Sound of Freedom Based on a True Story (Except the parts that aren’t) - OUR Rescue June 27, 2023
Regarding the injustice of child trafficking and exploitation in general, there is so much more information out there than ever before for people to act. There are numerous organizations that have been birthed to take action. Below are some helpful stats and links to learn more about the issue:
“Worldwide, almost 20% of all trafficking victims are children. However, in some parts of Africa and the Mekong region, children are the majority (up to 100% in parts of West Africa).”A Global Report on Trafficking in Persons
“Alberta child pornography investigation unearths nearly 1 million photos and videos, 8 arrested”- Global News June 2023
“Children for sale: Canada’s youth at the heart of the rising sex trade”. Global News Nov 2020
“Child sex exploitation is on the rise in Canada during the pandemic.” July 2020 CBC
“Child Sexual Exploitation on the Internet”- Public Safety Canada (addressing the following content:
What is Online Child Sexual Exploitation
A Strategy to Combat Online Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
The Role of Each Strategy Partner & What We’re Doing
International Efforts and Cooperation
“Human trafficking doesn’t have to involve crossing borders. And it’s not just a foreign problem, it’s happening right now in communities across Canada. Human trafficking involves recruiting, moving, or holding victims to exploit them for profit, usually for sexual reasons or forced labour. Traffickers can control and pressure victims by force or through threats, including mental and emotional abuse and manipulation.” - Hope Restored Canada “Why This Matters”
Freedom: Globally and Locally
I believe each person is inherently valued and worthy of respect and dignity. I can only imagine the gentle care the film makers of Sound of Freedom had to have with the children who were casted in the roles of those who were trafficked. I have had the honour to hear the stories of many victims and survivors of trafficking or sexual exploitation. Most through movies or documentaries, some at conferences and other individuals sharing face to face. Stories move the heart. Each person is meant to live in and experience freedom. I love the line in the movie: “God’s children are not for sale”.
One of the first movies that grabbed my attention in exposing this evil was one I watched in 2012 by Exodus Cry “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls”.
“Nefarious: Merchant of Souls is a 2011 American documentary film about modern human trafficking, specifically sexual slavery. Presented from a Christian worldview, Nefarious covers human trafficking in the United States, Western and Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia, alternating interviews with re-enactments.”- (Google Search)
At the end of the documentary, there were numerous redemption and restoration stories of survivors of sex trafficking but also those who were the perpetrators of such evil. Movies like that served as a catalyst to people like me to take action.
Addressing Demand
Movies like the Sound of Freedom and Nefarious Merchant of Souls (among a plethora of other educational movies out there) brings awareness to trafficking and exploitation abroad, and what is happening right here in our own back yard. Although the movie has a happy ending, most trafficking cases are left unsolved, and the majority of those individuals who have gone missing are yet to be found. There is not enough manpower, safe houses or restorative programs at this time to meet the needs of this epidemic. As such, we must address the demand side of trafficking and exploitation (let alone all forms of sexual abuse, assault, incest and horrific abusive sexual deviancy that lead to this), if we are ever going to make radical changes to hinder the ever expanding injustice of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
While in the launch phase of Hope Restored Canada, (2015-2019), I helped to interview and pull together some short films (thanks to Owen at Light/ Dark Media) with local people educating or sharing personal stories related to trafficking and exploitation in our community. The video clip below is from Albert Brown who shared a message with our local org here in Saskatoon with regards to his work with the ‘John School” as they address the demand side. I share this because when I watched Sound of Freedom, I appreciated the character of a former “John” who was making it their life mission to help rescue children after reaching his own dark night of the soul.
There is hope- for all involved.
Grateful for the many individuals who have devoted much of their life to help including men like Tim Ballard with O.U.R, Benji Nolot with Exodus Cry, (Dan Allender in Washington with his expanded work with the Wounded Heart and Gene McConnell in Alaska as mentioned below) and Albert Brown here in Saskatoon among so many locally, nationally and globally doing such great work:
You Too Can Make a Difference!
If you are interested in getting involved with the cause in some small way, my encouragement is to step out in faith and share what you have. Not everyone is called to start a life changing organization or devote their entire lives to this cause. But are called to love our neighbour as ourselves or seek to live the “golden rule”. If we all do something, we can actually make a difference. Below is list I whipped up of various ways you can make a difference. Simply choosing one will go a long way:
Get educated and become an advocate in your own sphere of influence.
Be trained in “recognizing the signs” (HRC offers this too).
Give financially to a reputable organization/ charity either locally or globally.
Volunteer. Ask yourself what you are passionate about, or what are your strengths or gifts? You’d be surprised to find joy in serving knowing you have God given abilities to help others. You can volunteer directly or indirectly to assist an org that needs casual help, regular tasks or even apply to serve on a board of directors.
Give resources/ donations to orgs that require tangible help to keep their operations going. This could include food, clothing, furniture, art supplies, or any number of items that an organization needs. If you don’t see a list posted, contact an org and simply ask what do you need? How can I help?
Partner If you are a part of an interest group, non profit, charity or faith community, consider allocating funds to partner with organizations that make direct impact with victims and survivors (or those addressing the demand side of this injustice).
* “Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” (Proverbs 4:23). Be aware of your own personal triggers, compassion fatigue, trauma and vicarious trauma.Not everyone has the capacity to go view movies like “Sound of Freedom”. Not everyone should read everything on the topic at a certain season of their life, or serve directly in an organization for a set time because of the dire need for boundaries. I have my own personal experience with this and would be happy to share what I’ve learned in this regard with groups through training I recommend for healing personally or for wellness reminders for “helpers”.
Pray. I personally would put that as the #1 response to how we can make a difference. Why? I believe this evil atrocity at its core is a spiritual issue that involves the demonic realm and territorial spirits that has the capacity to influence and impact the human heart. Evil. We cannot just “Blame it on the devil”, no we also need to take personal responsibility for the evil that we tolerate or expose ourselves to. Not something our world likes to talk about, address or even believe exists. Let alone the religious/ battles that arise from and between individuals or groups bent towards atheism, agnosticism, deism, polytheism, animism, cults, the occult and all those who profess faith within monotheism alike. Regardless of what your current worldview is, we must agree on one thing- evil exists. It’s important to understand the source of evil (Satan himself, demons and one’s own sinful nature who is influenced by evil), in order to help bring wholeness and restoration. Praying is simply talking to God. Reach out to Him through prayer- making your heart right with Him and then asking God to act as only He can giving wisdom, guidance, discernment and empowerment through His Holy Spirit to intervene.
I can only speak from what I believe to be true that the “Thief (Satan), comes to rob, kill, steal and destroy, and I (Jesus) came that they may have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10), as well as the reality that “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”. (2 Corinthians 11:14). The only way I know how to detect evil or this ‘counterfeit light’ is to study, meditate on, receive the truth in God Himself. We aren’t to be naive to evil’s schemes, nor are we to be overwhelmed by it. We are to expose it. (To learn more- one easy at a glance article to read is “What does the Bible say about the Problem of Evil”- Blue Letter Bible)
If you are part of the problem, which includes individuals who habitually purchase sex, there is help for you. Purchasers aren’t always aware that many are minors, some are being trafficked and not all there by “choice”- but are through coercion or circumstance. This call out and warning also extends to those who abuse others sexually (or otherwise) regularly consume or are addicted to pornography. There is hope for you. If you don’t think your thoughts or actions contribute to the demand side of worldwide criminal activity of sex trafficking you are sorely mistaken. It’s never too late to get the help you need. Reach out to a trusted friend, counselor, a pastor, a leader. Be open to attending a “John School” or sex addicts course. Another option is getting help from leaders like Gene McConnell who I met while attending an Abolition Summit in Kansas City years back. Visit him online at Authentic Relationships International
Choose Faith, Hope, Life and ultimately THE Light of the World. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t close with this: Learn more about the ultimate freedom giver, Jesus Christ and get to know His heart for humanity - His own prophetic destiny to proclaim freedom then and now. Ask God to show you the pathway to follow for your own destiny of freedom personally and for the sake of others.
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