The Unfinished Church
I visited the “Unfinished Church” when in Bermuda last month. 🇧🇲
I felt a deep connection to both the history (You can click here to read more on the story as to why it is left this way in an article by, but more so the profound symbolism represented in this space.
What is churning with me? Well- This includes a three pronged wrestling of the soul:
The Unfinished Me
The Unfinished/ Imperfect Church which is a work in progress
Reflecting on Jesus’ words when He said “It is Finished.” It takes courage and humility to receive that by faith knowing full well the restoration of all things is yet to come.
The Unfinished Me
- I am a work in progress. I’ve learned that change comes from within, and I am personally trusting in the wonder working transformative power of Jesus Christ and learning to trust in the leading of God’s Holy Spirit. “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Philippians 1:6)
That verse in the first chapter in the book of Philippians is quoted often in faith communities. It gives hope when we mess up, “sin” i.e. miss the mark. We would be ignorant, naive or extremely prideful to try and convince ourselves and others we don’t sin- be it against ourselves, others or God Himself. We can easily quote something without truly understanding the depth in which that truth means to us today. It is helpful to read catch phrase Bible verses in context. If you are curious or need a refresher, click here to read all 754 words of that chapter. It is where the Apostle Paul is writing from prison and giving thanksgiving and praise for the community of believers. He is encouraging others how joyous he is that the gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached, especially in times of hardship. Through the example of Paul’s witness, devotion and suffering for Christ’s sake, we can live as citizens of heaven in the here and now.
Grace for regrets- peace for the present- hope for the future.
While I was creating a Reel on Instagram this week featuring this Unfinished Church in Bermuda, I stumbled across a new song by Canadian Singer Songwriter Brooke Nicholls “Not Finished'“. It beautifully conveyed what I was feeling both personally and corporately.
In an interview earlier this year, Nicole shared with Jubilee Cast "I pray this song blesses you and reminds you of who God is and what He is capable of. If you still have breath in your lungs, God has a purpose and a plan for your life. He's not finished with you!" (Jubilee Cast article “Brooke Nicholls' New Single Reminds Us that God's Not Finished With Us Yet” April 2023).
I invite you to read all of Ephesians 2 and ponder the truths that Paul is conveying here to the Church of Ephesians, is also meant to speak to our hearts today:
“God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:8-10
Just because we don’t feel like we are a “masterpiece” doesn’t mean it isn’t true. As believers are a work in progress individually, so too is the church as a whole.
The Unfinished Church
We live in this “church age” with so much unfinished. So much work to be done. There is much brokenness, suffering and painful dysfunction all around. The Church across the globe is “unfinished” because the church is the people- and we cannot abdicate our responsibility. It is true that when Jesus hung on the cross to die for the sins of the world, He said “It is finished” before he took His last breath. (John 19:30)
He did His part, we must do ours. This includes taking off the religious masks and getting real and dealing with life’s pain and sorrow with an authentic faith that is AOK with being broken before God and others.
The world loves to focus on the issues of society with finger pointing, blaming others, getting tied up in knots with harmful political, religious or any other systems that seeks to divide and join and demonize our fellow man. This includes looking at all the faults of the church and it’s people. The Apostle Paul knew to admit his faults to avoid self righteousness and was honest when he said “This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all.” 1 Timothy 1:15
I can relate. In my 53 years of life, I have sinned big time in my thoughts, words and actions. In the blogging world, it’s tough to get a real sense of people when you share snippets of your life now and then. I could shock you one day by putting into print or a blogpost all the sins I have ever committed. OR I could gain more empathy if I were to nurse the victim card with all the pain others have put me through, but I will spare you the juicy agony. This includes being hurt by other believers- which can often feel like the worst sting of all. And yet- when I press into grace, hold onto love and deepen my understanding in the Spirit of the roots of it all, I grow in awe of the saving power of Jesus at work amidst it all.
Of course the church is imperfect, because it is made up of imperfect people. My soul has faced many weary nights in my walk with Christ because of the battles against the church from basic worldview tenants, let alone the wars that rage within it’s own walls. I’ve felt it within the organizations I’ve founded and led, my community, my home church, my family and my very own heart.
I continue to learn I am to be a burden bearer, not a burden carrier- That’s Jesus’ job.
May we learn from Paul and boast not of ourselves, but of the finished work of the cross and the work of Holy Spirit within. Humility.
Finishing What He Started
God has a plan. 🌺 a beautiful plan unfolding. Do we see it? Do we press into the promises of restoration? I truly believe He will finish what He started. Whether we cooperate or not, God has a plan. God is Holy, Sovereign, Omnipresent, the Alpha and Omega- The Perfect One. It would go well with us to look to the only One who deserves our full worship and devotion.
For me, that meant believing in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at one point in my life. It doesn’t stop there. No. I have found it to be a daily call to live in Christ which means to acknowledge pride/ confessing sins and my need for God in order to repent and to seek to love my neighbour as myself. How do I do that? Dying to self, selfish motives, “doing what is right in my own eyes”….I’m reminded by the Lord to pick up my cross and follow Jesus no matter what. Easier said that done, but it’s the true path I know to pure joy that leads to eternal life.
God does discipline those He loves.
My friend- there are consequences for sin and evil rebellion against God and His ways. In studying the book of Revelation this past year at Horizon Bible College and Seminary through an incredible auditing format option, I was energized by the entire book- but especially the letters and warnings to the churches. If you are a believer in Christ, I encourage you to read those letters to the 7 churches in Revelation 1-3 and reflect on what these praises and admonitions means to you today.
It Will be… Completely “Finished”
Before Jesus said “It is finished” (meaning the complete atonement for the sins of the world as prophesied throughout the Bible’s Old Testament or as Jewish believers call the Tanakh), it’s sobering to reflect on the interaction of the two criminals hanging on crosses alongside Jesus. One was mocking him and the other recognized Jesus for who He was. There seems to be present in him a genuine faith and personal repentance. He prayed a simple prayer, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” Jesus accepted his cry and gives him the promise that he will be with him in paradise.( Luke 23:43)
May we understand and receive by faith the eschatological plan of God for all of creation from Genesis to Revelation. At that future appointed time that only God knows the day and hour…it will all be completely “finished”. (Revelation 21:6)
Related Posts by Jodi Kozan:
“Holy Is Your Name Reflection” May 29th, 2023
“Belief, Worldview, a Statement of Faith”, November 12th 2022
“From Mess to Masterpiece” October 30th 2022
Further Resources:
The Unfinished Church in Bermuda:
“Dramatic archways and weathered grey stone contrast against vibrant tropical foliage at the Unfinished Church, located in the historic Town of St. George on Bermuda’s East End. The gothic church was conceived as a replacement for St. Peter’s Church, which had been badly damaged by a hurricane. Due to funding problems, parish infighting and yet another damaging storm, construction was never completed…”- Go To Bermuda
You can click here to read more on the story as to why it is left this way in an article by
The Bible Project “The Crucifixion of Jesus” Luke 19-23
“What Is the Meaning and Significance of 'It Is Finished'? Jesus' Words in John 19:30- November 9th 2022 Blogpost