Grateful- Thankful

Grateful- Thankful

It’s “Black Friday” today, (who created that day anyway?). I’m all about getting savings, but more often than not, the more we consume, the less time we have for what’s really important in life: relationships. Gotta keep it in balance, heh? When our consumeristic society puts so much emphasis on aquiring things and fostering discontentment, our gratitude factor wains and we can loose sight on what we already have. Being grateful- being thankful. There is a subtle difference. The Oxford dictionary defines the word grateful as “showing an appreciation of kindness”, - so being thankful is more of a feeling and being grateful is an action. This week, most of my American family and friends celebrate thanksgiving in the states , (yet others choose not to “celebrate” the holiday in Canada or the USA given historical injustices associated with it.) Regardless if we mark a day on our calendars or not, I’ve been meditating on verses more lately on what it means to be grateful. What it means to be truly thankful. This goes beyond our country of origin or stories of settlers & Indigenous relations in days gone by.

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