I started writing my memoir years ago, then a more broader topic emerged on the restoration of women in 2012. I have been wrestling with what to write first- personal, or otherwise…. Since then, I’ve primarily been focused on launching two charities, speaking, writing blogs- so the daunting task of writing a book has been on hold for years for various reasons. Mentors in ministry like Carol Kent of “Speak up” and Shannon Ethridge of B.L.A.S.T. have both encouraged me over the years not to ‘rush’ the writing process, but when you know it’s time, it’s time. Now that I’m in my 50’s, an empty nester delegated most operational work within the two charities, and finally graduating from Briercrest Seminary…, it’s time.
As I focus on writing more in this season, I am highlighting a few resources where I have published short articles that support one’s journey to restoration.
Kingdom Woman Obaahima, Abiding in the Vine Articles:
“Hearing God, and “Choose Life” Bible Study Fall 2023 Volume 6: Choice
“Facing Changes: Heart, Family, World” Spring 2022 Volume 4: Point of View, it’s Time to Look Forward
“Identity” Fall 2021
“Restoration” article- Fall 2020 (Premiere) Volume 1
“Isha: She Will Be Called” forward- Fall 2021
“Impossibilities are Targets for Miracles”- for "Justice Rising'“ 2016 chapter on “Restoration, Heart, Family, World”
Submissions to Women’s Journey of Faith Collaborative Hub
Academic Papers
“Why Theology? (Biblical Doctrine for Healthy Relationships) 2019.
“My Statement of Faith” -Professor Amanda Hackney’s THEO 601 Theology Overview- 2019.
“Sexual Exploitation: The Balance Between Evangelism and the Pursuit of Justice” CM/THEO 621 Theology of Mission and Evangelism, Professor Tim Stabell 2019.
“Second Wave Feminism and the Church: Is Feminism Compatible with Christianity? Polarizing Christian Views on Gender Roles”.History of Gender, Sex and Sexuality, Professor Joy Demoskoff/ Briercrest Seminary 2018.
“Old Testament Applications to Modern Living” BT 610 Pentateuch: the Way of the Torah with Dr. Eric Ortlund 2013.
“Final Research Paper”; BT751 Life in the Mess: Theology of Forgiveness and Reconciliation with Dr. David Guretzki, 2012.
Community Engagement Documents
Women’s Journey of Faith- Journey to Restoration booklet 2015.
“Our Common Witness” Evangelical Catholic Dialogue 2015
Hope Restored Canada Module 1, First Edition. 2017.
It is with heavy hearts, my family announces the passing of my dad Richard. Known to my kids and grandkids as “Boppa”, “Bop”, or “Boppy”, we both grieve and believe by faith we will be reunited once more. Who knew but God that when I sat down to help write my dad’s memoir with him 4 years ago during the pandemic, I’d be helping our family plan his funeral this week?