Sharing on the topic “Releasing Perfection” to Grove Moms which is one of 10 Tuesday mornings at my local church. (Other topics include Embracing the Mess, Taking Care of You, Making a Difference, among other themes engaging various women’s voices.
The Forest Grove Community Church moms group was instrumental in my walk of faith when I attended the program as a young mom in the 90’s. It’s great to give back as a mentor mom and on occasion, a speaker there as it’s been such an integral part of my life.
“GroveMOMs is a ministry of Forest Grove Community Church that provides moms of young children with a weekly morning out and an opportunity to connect with other moms. We exist to support moms in community by providing refreshment, encouragement, and the hope that is found in Jesus.”
If you are a mom to babies/ young children and live in the Saskatoon region and looking for a place to engage, the next semester moms program will be the fall of 2023. Registrations will be available late summer/ early fall and are on a first come first served bases (providing childcare, a refreshing morning for moms to engage with other moms- hear from a speaker- feature and other fun surprises). Contact FGCC Family Ministries Pastor
2024 came and went. I am choosing to hold onto hope as the year brought many blessings and also a heaping dose of pain and grief as well. How about you? It seems to be how life goes, heh? Some years, there is more joy to be found If we could plan out life perfectly on our own terms, we would naturally go for less pain and suffering, right? But we can’t. If you struggle with any ounce of perfectionism tendencies (which I admit, I do), we can be thrown for a loop when life doesn’t go as we had first hoped. Through it all, I am remembering to count my blessings. I pray you can too.