Heaven on My Mind- Heaven in my Heart

Heaven on My Mind- Heaven in my Heart

I have pondered lots about heaven since I was a little girl. Been reading and reflecting on it more so this past decade. No doubt we experience a little bit of heaven on earth now as well as witness or experience a little bit of "hell" too. It's fascinating learning what various cultural or religious perspectives are on this topic throughout the ages. For me? Christ Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. I have experienced too many "resurrection stories" of the soul to believe otherwise.

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Releasing Perfectionism

Releasing Perfectionism

I was invited to speak on the topic of “Releasing Perfectionism” at my local church moms group this week. It challenged me to dig deeper into the topic and I have grown in clarity as a result. In finding my identity as a daughter of God, I realized that God is perfecting me through Christ, not my own striving.

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Are You My Mother?

 Are You My Mother?

In my own journey of faith, Mothers Day often brought deep sorrow more often than not because I spent many Mothers Days apart from my own mother (& mother in law) as I lived long-distance from them. As a young momma myself, I struggled with the what ifs and the "woulda-shoulda-coulda" thoughts as my idealistic tendencies were crippling my ability to fully embrace Mothers Day.  By focusing on what I didn't have (family supports who live in my own city) and the imperfections in me and earthly mothering expectations, I let myself down. I struggled with fully embracing my motherhood for many years as a result. Condemnation, guilt and oh, right: comparison- the thief of joy. 

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