Our Christmas/ New Years Letter: Grieving with Hop

Our Christmas/ New Years Letter: Grieving with Hop

2024 came and went. I am choosing to hold onto hope as the year brought many blessings and also a heaping dose of pain and grief as well. How about you? It seems to be how life goes, heh? Some years, there is more joy to be found If we could plan out life perfectly on our own terms, we would naturally go for less pain and suffering, right? But we can’t. If you struggle with any ounce of perfectionism tendencies (which I admit, I do), we can be thrown for a loop when life doesn’t go as we had first hoped. Through it all, I am remembering to count my blessings. I pray you can too.

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Wedding Symbolism

Wedding Symbolism

Ever since I walked down the aisle to say my vows to Tim before family and friends in 1990, I have wondered why we do the things we do in weddings? I knew some had a deeper meaning, and some are simply fun traditions or cultural preferences. So in light of the recent weddings in our household the last few years, attending some and now officiating weddings, I was inspired to do a bit of research on the topic!

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Shining Light in the Darkness

Shining Light in the Darkness

The Light of the World?

When I light a candle, I am reminded that amidst the darkness, we can reach out to THE Light of the world…. When it comes to the Light our soul longs for, it is also key to know which “light” we are following or exposed to.

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Learning to Lament

Learning to Lament

Lament has been a spiritual discipline that has often been misunderstood or avoided altogether by many. Jesus said “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” among other profound promises found in the Beatitudes on his famous Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5. I used to think mourning was a topic reserved only for those who are experiencing the death of a loved one. I didn’t understand then when Jesus said that we’d be ‘blessed’ if we mourn? What? It just didn’t make sense to me…

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Heavenly Hawaiian Hakus, A Crown of Love

Heavenly Hawaiian Hakus, A Crown of Love

Hawaii is often featured as a place of pure bliss in instagram perfect photos, and rarely do we post about the reality that there is still great poverty, pain, abuse, sex trafficking— all the painful realities of humanities brokenness are found there too. But do we focus on the pain and ugliness of the world as our focal point, or do we choose to see the beauty and the possibilities for restoration and bring hope into the world through our thoughts, words and actions. The choice is ours.

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Christmas Prep Blues? 7 Ways to Help Make this Holiday a wee Merrier!

 Christmas Prep Blues? 7 Ways to Help Make this Holiday a wee Merrier!

Shifting from the Thanksgiving season to the Christmas season, there is so much to be thankful for. Too often though, we allow the stress of the holidays to dictate our joy factor. The Christmas Blues can set in so quickly if we don’t recognize those triggers that can set us off in the ho- hum “get this Christmas holiday over with already” attitude. If you can relate, here are 7 things we can consider doing this Christmas in order to truly make it a wee Merrier.

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Are You My Mother?

 Are You My Mother?

In my own journey of faith, Mothers Day often brought deep sorrow more often than not because I spent many Mothers Days apart from my own mother (& mother in law) as I lived long-distance from them. As a young momma myself, I struggled with the what ifs and the "woulda-shoulda-coulda" thoughts as my idealistic tendencies were crippling my ability to fully embrace Mothers Day.  By focusing on what I didn't have (family supports who live in my own city) and the imperfections in me and earthly mothering expectations, I let myself down. I struggled with fully embracing my motherhood for many years as a result. Condemnation, guilt and oh, right: comparison- the thief of joy. 

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A New Year of Restoration

2017 is here whether we like it or not, we are destined to move forwards. We can't go back but only be present in the moment and look towards the future with hope. I have to laugh at all the times in my life where the turn of the year has pushed me to want me to be the best I can be, but truly- what are we measuring that ideal against?  

If you are like me, we often beat ourselves up that we didn't lose those extra pounds gained during the holidays, or read the books or passages that we'd like to or reestablished relationships like we ought to and we end up feeling like a failure.  We often set the bar unrealistically high when it comes to New Year's Resolutions! 

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