Covid 19 Spreads Quickly, So Shall Prayer

 Covid 19 Spreads Quickly, So Shall Prayer

Prayer is a mysterious gift to all of humanity.

In dire times like this, when the globe is facing its share of the fall out of Covid-19, prayer is desperately needed. With all the fears, anxiety, ambiguity all around, millions are being nudged to pray, some may be curious about prayer but hesitate, and yes there are scoffers who mock pray at a time like this. Ultimately my Spirit knows deeply, we are being called to pray.

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Silent No More, the Unplanned Debate

Silent No More, the Unplanned Debate

What is it about the abortion topic that stirs such anger or passion on the various sides of this debate? Personal experience-political agendas-religious convictions-faith perspectives-etc? We need healthy dialogues on topics pertaining to human rights and issues of morality to truly get anywhere of lasting value. As difficult of a topic it is to face (and the various perspectives surrounding it), I chose to watch it on the opening day with a friend who works in the health field and we spent some time in healthy dialogue after to debrief….

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Heavenly Hawaiian Hakus, A Crown of Love

Heavenly Hawaiian Hakus, A Crown of Love

Hawaii is often featured as a place of pure bliss in instagram perfect photos, and rarely do we post about the reality that there is still great poverty, pain, abuse, sex trafficking— all the painful realities of humanities brokenness are found there too. But do we focus on the pain and ugliness of the world as our focal point, or do we choose to see the beauty and the possibilities for restoration and bring hope into the world through our thoughts, words and actions. The choice is ours.

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Christmas Prep Blues? 7 Ways to Help Make this Holiday a wee Merrier!

 Christmas Prep Blues? 7 Ways to Help Make this Holiday a wee Merrier!

Shifting from the Thanksgiving season to the Christmas season, there is so much to be thankful for. Too often though, we allow the stress of the holidays to dictate our joy factor. The Christmas Blues can set in so quickly if we don’t recognize those triggers that can set us off in the ho- hum “get this Christmas holiday over with already” attitude. If you can relate, here are 7 things we can consider doing this Christmas in order to truly make it a wee Merrier.

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We are Persons

We are Persons

October 18th was “Persons day” in Canada. This marked the day in 1929 where a historic decision was handed down by Canada’s highest court of appeal. The decision included women in the legal definition of “persons”. This gave women the right to be appointed to the Senate of Canada and paved the way for women's participation in more spheres of influence.

Below is a pic of me and our youngest three daughters posing in front of the “famous five” statues in Calgary back in 2013. Their first visit there, my second. The first time I stumbled across these statues with a group of women of faith- I was awestruck. Literally.

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Oh Canada- Standing on Guard in Saskatoon- United in Prayer

Oh Canada- Standing on Guard in Saskatoon- United in Prayer

It was an honour to join in worship and prayer on the evening of Canada Day 2018 in one of the most beautiful historic churches in Saskatoon. Although a season has ended there, a new season begins. This was the first event held in the newly acquired building by new ownership who seek to bless the city somehow in a new way through the building.  I am among many who often dreams of what will it be like in the future?

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Hope Retreat Recap

Hope Retreat Recap

It was an honour to join the team at the Manitoba Women's Retreat at the beautiful Elkhorn Resort and Spa this past spring. I enjoy sharing my story, speaking hope and casting a vision of restoration by giving permission to others to dream,  grow in faith, hope and love. Retreats are a wonderful way to spend some unhurried time together with newfound friends sharing authentically from my heart to theirs.

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Post Mother's Day Prayers for the Brokenhearted

Post Mother's Day Prayers for the Brokenhearted

As a follow up to my recent blog post "Are You My Mother", I wrote about the gift of honouring motherhood and all those who "mother" us throughout our journey of faith. There is much to be happy about on the topic of motherhood. At the same time, it is important to pause and reflect on the angst Mother's Day brings forth for many: both spiritually and relationally. If we can learn how to mourn with those who mourn and help each other be more authentic with the pains of life, we'd realize we all walk with a limp. Especially as mothers.

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Are You My Mother?

 Are You My Mother?

In my own journey of faith, Mothers Day often brought deep sorrow more often than not because I spent many Mothers Days apart from my own mother (& mother in law) as I lived long-distance from them. As a young momma myself, I struggled with the what ifs and the "woulda-shoulda-coulda" thoughts as my idealistic tendencies were crippling my ability to fully embrace Mothers Day.  By focusing on what I didn't have (family supports who live in my own city) and the imperfections in me and earthly mothering expectations, I let myself down. I struggled with fully embracing my motherhood for many years as a result. Condemnation, guilt and oh, right: comparison- the thief of joy. 

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Prayer Walking

Prayer Walking

The purpose of prayer-walking is to seek God’s guidance, mercy, and transforming power—both for the  individuals and regions we pray for, but also  for ourselves. Prayer-walking helps us become more spiritually minded in what we are observing all around as we walk and pray. It’s a time where we allow ourselves to breathe in revival and speak forth revival, taking authority in Christ on the land in which we are given. 

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Betrayal and Beauty (Out of the Ashes)

Betrayal and Beauty (Out of the Ashes)

Good Friday this year, I participated in the “way of the cross” walk with hundreds of men, women, and children with 14 stations of the cross. Our own version of the Via Dolorosa of Jerusalem in the downtown core of Saskatoon as scripture is shared, prayers offered and reflections on what the cross of Jesus meant or should mean for us today with Justice issues, the call for reconciliation, ecology, race relations, dignity of life, the health of the family etc

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Betrayed by a Friend

Betrayed by a Friend

I remember my mom saying to us kids: "Even Jesus wouldn't invite his enemy (Like Judas) to his birthday party"- trying to convey the truth that we cannot trust all people and to ultimately know who your enemies are.  I didn't quite get what she was trying to say when I was younger, but I do now. Yes, Judas was a part of Christ's 12 chosen disciples and I believe Jesus did truly love all of them and believed in their full potential. But ultimately, Jesus is not responsible for the evil Judas allowed into his own heart to cause the betrayal. 

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A Walk of Faith, Courage and Hope- MMIWG

A Walk of Faith, Courage and Hope- MMIWG

Over the years, I've walked to stand up against the evils of sexual abuse, human trafficking and most recently, the walk to support families who are counted among the hundreds of Missing Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. (MMIWG).  It takes much effort to gather, to stand in solidarity, to be united in a cause with diverse individuals you may or may not ever see again.

Why I show up?.... I

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Our Canada, My Story

Our Canada, My Story

I've lived in Canada since crossing the border in 1990 after our whirlwind honeymoon, but it took me 20 years to take the step to be an official Canadian Citizen. After marrying my Canadian beau, I was perfectly content to be a visitor- landed immigrant, then permanent resident. Growing up in Minnesota, I was raised to pledge my allegiance to the USA, salute the flag and "Live by the Girl Scout Law". Needless to say, my American Pride was deeply embedded within.  Even after I had a miraculous brush with heaven in 1996 and truly understood that my eternal citizenship is in heaven,  (Philippians 3:19-21),  I was in no rush to become a Canadian Citizen.

But God had other plans...

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Redeemed- The Power of Story!

Redeemed- The Power of Story!

    In all my years launching and leading Women's Journey of Faith, and now launching Hope Restored Canada, I have come across hundreds of speaker names, suggested books,  studies, retreats and  conferences. I am grateful for each life that has crossed my path as their stories of faith, courage and perseverance has intersected with my own story.  We are created for story.

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