From Mess to Masterpiece

From Mess to Masterpiece

Kintsugi: A beautiful art form to help demonstrate that beauty can be found through or in spite of the broken things in life. “(金継ぎ, "golden joinery"), also known as kintsukuroi (金繕い, "golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted gold…., it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.”-WP “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

I had the joy of attending a women’s retreat as a way to cap off my week in Kauai after teaching at the new Anchor House, One Year School of the Bible with Kauai Christian Fellowship (KCF) …As women shared their stories, I witnessed beautiful golden threads of faith woven amidst the hardships of life. Cheering for all the epiphany moments of grace.

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God's Tabernacle- Past, Present, Future

God's Tabernacle- Past, Present, Future

When you hear the word Tabernacle, what comes to mind? Do you think of a zealous choir in the USA? A strange religious word? Or perhaps you have some Biblical knowledge of the first Tabernacle God instructed Moses and the Israelites to build a tabernacle in the wilderness leading to other forms of the tabernacle throughout history? For me? It is truly the most fascinating study one can engage in. After visiting a life size Moses Tabernacle here in my home province of Saskatchewan, I felt led to write here on this topic of God’s Tabernacle: Past- Present- Future.

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Having an Undivided Heart in a Polarized World

Having an Undivided Heart in a Polarized World

How can we live Undivided in our devotion to God when there is often so much division in our world, our communities? The Bible says in Proverbs to “Guard our heart for it is the wellspring of life”. So how do we practically do that in this world with so many opinions and arguments? Which mirror are we looking at for answers to what our soul aches for? Social Media? Government? Religions of this world? Or do we look to the Word of God, Jesus Himself and the empowering presence of God’s Holy Spirit? To keep our heart undivided in this ongoing chaos, we look to the “founder and perfecter of our faith.

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Psalm 139 - The Sacred Womb

Psalm 139 - The Sacred Womb

I believe humanity is created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26-27) . At hostile junctions in time like today, It’s healthy for us to reflect that we began this life- forming, feeling, sensing, growing in the miraculous womb of a woman. This to me confirms the basis for true equality. The abortion debate stirs up passion on both sides of the fence. As I witnessed protests in 2019 at the release of the movie Unplanned (The thrust behind my blogpost in July that year), or the protests happening right now as result of overturning the 1972 Roe Vs Wade decision in the US placing the decision back to the states, I wanted to write an share a verse that is meaningful to me in regards to God’s care and concern for us all. Having that decision overturned on Friday, June 24th 2022 in the USA has created much discord, grief AND celebration. If we don’t see the womb as sacred, we will struggle now and into the future if anything can be sacred anymore. I don’t know about you, but let me tell you a bit of my own journey with grief, celebration in regards to my own womb:

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In our hyperdrive, information overloaded world- intentional REST is a sacred position to take for our whole being. I am getting better at rest, as I’ve witnessed its benefits for me personally but also for my relationships and calling. Believe you me, I know burnout. I know what it is like to strive. Believe you me, I know burnout. I know what it is like to “strive”. I value rest and guard it much better so I can have better boundaries in my life- spiritual, emotional, relational, physical boundaries foster better rest for our soul.

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A "Flourishing Tree"

A "Flourishing Tree"

Whenever I see creation flourishing in spring/ early summer, I am reminded of my need to also “Bear Fruit”. It’s good to ask ourselves, am I flourishing?….Tim and I were asked to be Godparents to our niece Brynn Grace Anderson born this past month. We drove down to Woodbury, MN to visit my Brother and sister in law to celebrate with them but also to hold this little princess. I think I could sit and hold babies all day. The cherry blossom decal tree they hung in Brynns nursery reminds me of this verse: “A God shaped life is a flourishing tree”. - Proverbs 11:28

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Bringing Comfort to Mothers, Fathers & Children- Today & Always

Bringing Comfort to Mothers, Fathers & Children- Today & Always

Mothering matters.

Parenting matters. Babies in the womb matters. Carrying for unwanted or unplanned babies and their parents matters. Carrying for, having compassion on and somehow bringing comfort to those who don’t believe the same as you also matters. I can only write and speak from my own convictions. Today, now more than ever, I am praying for the God of all comfort to meet us where we are at when it comes to our worldview and moral compass.If cultural debates are a mirror to the health of humanity, we are a sick and depraved nation, or I should say nations. (I can speak of the USA and Canada experience as a dual citizen, but my heart grows weary at times of all the polarizing arguments across the globe when it comes to ethics, human rights, morality and the meaning of life.). Yet, I give my weariness to God….Mothers Day this year has been hijacked in many ways…

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Anchor House: School of the Bible

Anchor House: School of the Bible

There is something about the ocean. I can’t tell you how often the imagery of the waves crashing in speaks to me of my spiritual journey and all my soul craves. The mystery of the ocean- it’s wind, riptides- and all its beautiful surroundings often reminds me that I have an anchor for my soul. His name is Jesus.

Tim and I have been vacationing on the beautiful island of Kauai with our family in the state of Hawaii for years. One of the faith communities we have connected with the most over the years is with Kauai Christian Fellowship just minutes from where we stay. It’s our home away from home when we get the chance to pull away from the Canadian tundra we are blessed with here in Saskatchewan. I do love the changing seasons in Canada, but the relatively unchanging beauty found year round on the shores of Kauai is near and dear to my heart.

I’ve been watching the progress of a new venture they have been working on for years and in the fall it becomes a reality: Anchor House- School of the Bible! A one year immersive experience that launches in the fall of 2022. I have the honour of being one of their guest lecturers amidst a full line up of local staff, pastors, leaders and guest presenters from across the ocean. This might be an opportunity for you or for someone you love that is looking for an opportunity to pull away and be immersed in God’s creation to learn more about God’s love, purpose and plan for us.

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My Weapon-Shout to the Lord

My Weapon-Shout to the Lord

One of the greatest spiritual weapons of warfare I have found in my life is to worship God, NO MATTER WHAT. Yes, there is a time for lament, expressing grief- anger- frustrations of unanswered prayers and angst with all that is wrong in the world, that too is worship as we focus our attention on God and His promises through the darkness(Click here to read past blogs of mine like “Mourn With Those Who Mourn”, or “Learning to Lament” ) , but worshipping God freely in Spirit and in Truth is a gift.

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Being Still Amidst the Chaos

Being Still Amidst the Chaos

How are you doing? (Or as a good friend would pointedly ask me "How are you REALLY doing?)

How am I doing? I’m experiencing a wrestling match in my spirit AND in my gut as I feel things deeply. Often too deeply at times which can take me out if left unchecked. We've all got our own issues in life to deal with; let alone global events which can be real heavy, heh? You wouldn't be human if it didn't affect you in some way. I do believe it is important to be informed at a level that is appropriate for us at any given time. If you're like me, you want to learn more about the atrocities that face humanity- BUT can be just overwhelming at times... There's got to be a balance to our learning journey that is healthy for our souls.Yet…I hear the Spirit of the Lord whisper to my soul amidst the chaos: “Be Still”

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Canada's Human Trafficking Awareness

Canada's Human Trafficking Awareness

I believe Canada has a destiny. One way to walk in the direction of our destiny is to contend for the hope, healing and restoration of others. Although Human Trafficking isn’t the ONLY aspect of injustice in our midst, it certainly has captured my attention over the years. Awareness is key as it leads to action. Canada didn’t always have “a formal DAY” for Human Trafficking awareness. January 21st though was the date that the USA instituted it in 2010. Canada observed that date in a minor way until a few years later, and some provinces adopted Feb 22 over the last decade. It wasn’t until 2021, that it became a nationally recognized date! Today, I want to bring awareness to this issue- both locally, nationally and internationally.

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Pray for Canada

Pray for Canada

Lots to pray for here in Canada- polarizing politics, the current Emergencies Act invoked by Trudeau and all the controversies looming about. If you’ve been following the Canadian news this week/this month in all its forms (not just mainstream media), there is a plethora of emotions swirling about. Apathy, Outrage, Shock and everything in between. What gives me peace is stepping out in faith to pray- be it alone, with my husband or with groups. Casting heavy burdens to God in prayer not only lifts the weight off our shoulders, but connects us with the source of all hope:)

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A Celebration of Women's Voices (Because You Matter!) Feb 4-6th 2022

A Celebration of Women's Voices (Because You Matter!) Feb 4-6th 2022

Publishing a book is no small task. I am excited for my friend as she recently published “Isha: She Will Be Called” along with many contributors sharing story, poetry and art. I was honoured to write the forward for this gem. 🙋‍♀️FYI: Eve's second name, אִשָּׁה (isha) (Gen. 2:23), means "woman" in Hebrew.)…So far, this precious table talk version of the book is available through, , @mcnallyrobinsonsk and will be at an event I’m hosting in Saskatoon which is true joy for me to parter with Becky for a women’s retreat “Because You Matter: A Celebration of Women’s Voices” February 4-6 in Saskatoon, SK. When visiting my parents in Fargo, ND earlier this month, I arranged for a zoom interview with Becky while I hid myself in my mom’s office to have a chat with Becky about her book and the upcoming retreat.

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Christ in Christmas- O Holy Night

Christ in Christmas- O Holy Night

Christmas is celebrated uniquely all over the world. I’ve connected with Christ followers in many nations in our travels as well as online, and am fascinated by learning about traditions held by many throughout. Some are simply cultural or family traditions, and others are deeply held spiritual practices. Our culture plays into “how” we celebrate (or not), my faith determines the “why” I celebrate. I won’t get into all the controversies out there to celebrate or not celebrate Christmas. I’ve heard a ton.

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My 2021 Christmas Letter

My 2021 Christmas Letter

I used to write the annual Christmas letter when Tim and I were beginning our family as a way to touch base with family and friends. I’d fold it up neatly with the Christmas card and mail away to loved ones in the US and Canada. Once Social Media arose on the scene, that practice seemed to be waining, heh? As family updates were shared throughout the year, I didn’t make the letter writing a priority. It seemed kinda strange to do so when most of my information was kinda ‘out there’, ya know? At the same time, there lacked a convergence of who I truly am- my heart, my family and calling. An “at a glance recap” is good practice. So here I go with an update on where 2021 found me and our family, along with some fun photos from a photo shoot on our acreage with a friend of our family Claire Friesen of Doxa Photography:

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Give a Gift of Hope!

Give a Gift of Hope!

I invite you to keep this mission in prayer and/or join me in raising some funds for Hope Restored! I am finishing off my last term on the board with HRC and the charity is in great hands with a full board and growing staff. (Click here to see “our team”). Contact me if you’d like to learn about ways to support the charity or resources that have inspired me to pray for the cause here and throughout the nations.

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Grateful- Thankful

Grateful- Thankful

It’s “Black Friday” today, (who created that day anyway?). I’m all about getting savings, but more often than not, the more we consume, the less time we have for what’s really important in life: relationships. Gotta keep it in balance, heh? When our consumeristic society puts so much emphasis on aquiring things and fostering discontentment, our gratitude factor wains and we can loose sight on what we already have. Being grateful- being thankful. There is a subtle difference. The Oxford dictionary defines the word grateful as “showing an appreciation of kindness”, - so being thankful is more of a feeling and being grateful is an action. This week, most of my American family and friends celebrate thanksgiving in the states , (yet others choose not to “celebrate” the holiday in Canada or the USA given historical injustices associated with it.) Regardless if we mark a day on our calendars or not, I’ve been meditating on verses more lately on what it means to be grateful. What it means to be truly thankful. This goes beyond our country of origin or stories of settlers & Indigenous relations in days gone by.

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Shining Light in the Darkness

Shining Light in the Darkness

The Light of the World?

When I light a candle, I am reminded that amidst the darkness, we can reach out to THE Light of the world…. When it comes to the Light our soul longs for, it is also key to know which “light” we are following or exposed to.

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