Save the date! Women’s Journey of Faith celebrates 25 years in ministry with keynote speaker Lisa Bevere! The “By Design” conference is one you will not want to miss! As Founder of WJOF, I couldn’t be more thrilled that the team has chosen this theme and this powerhouse speaker I have great respect for.
(Personal plug: The first time she graced the WJOF stage was in 2006 at the “Empowered” conference (and then again in 2011), where I have an impact moment myself when taking off my Emcee hat that year and experienced the word in a powerful way while she spoke out Genesis 1:26-27 by simply reading that passage of scripture! It affirmed so much of what I have experienced, what I was longing for and what I was contending for through visions and dreams. My worldview and understanding of identity, spiritual warfare, the need for spiritual mothering and the power of being a woman has been shaped because of this sister in Christ. That was then, this is now. I look forward to what she will be brining to the WJOF stage in 2025!
Lisa is the author of many books, studies and devotionals including:
Haven’t read any of her books or know her as a speaker/ teacher? One way to do so is to follow her on social media and listen to her newly released Podcast “Fight for Female” along with her husband/ wife duo podcast “Conversations” which Tim and I so appreciate too.
To secure tickets at a fabulous rate, get your tickets this week May 25-31st for a reduced price of $89. The team at WJOF wants to give great price break incentives to say thank you for helping to sow into this ministry and spread the word!