I am pumped to link arms with Women’s Journey of Faith to offer Faith Stories workshops! If you know Jesus, you have a story to tell no doubt. (Sign up with the below!)
One of the hats I wear is founder of WJOF (since 1999). One of the greatest joys throughout the years been encouraging everyday women to know their identity in Christ and to share who He is in their lives with others. The Faith Stories curriculum is one that is filled with Truth and Grace which is easy to understand and apply to your life no matter how long you’ve believed or are a follower of Jesus Christ.
What to expect if you sign up?
This 3 hour workshop is designed for you to help reflect on and share your personal encounters with God.
I will share how I’ve grown to be passionate about this topic, and guide you through the booklet and facilitate discussion alongside the guided journal prompts with an opportunity to share stories of faith!
We will dig into scripture that share will remind you of your identity in Christ and will also inspire you to share the hope that you have!
Some highlights of the curriculum include The Cross, My Story, His Love, For Others, including roadblocks to sharing our stories.
I’ll share with you creative opportunities to share your faith stories alongside our regular every day conversations with the people in your world.
Once signed up, I will email you with instructions of where we are hosting this in Saskatoon. (Directions to my home or a local church) along with reminders of what to bring!
“Your FAITH STORY is unique and powerful, and we believe that your story has the potential to inspire and encourage others. By sharing your God encounters, you have the opportunity to spread hope and faith to those around you…Let's come together as a community to lift each other up and celebrate the ways in which God has worked in our lives.Your story is important and deserves to be heard.”- WJOF
To register for this free workshop, email contact@jodikozan.com or fill out the form below:
(A freewill offering to WJOF is encouraged to help cover costs of printing and to sow what you are able to into this ministry to women!)
It is with heavy hearts, my family announces the passing of my dad Richard. Known to my kids and grandkids as “Boppa”, “Bop”, or “Boppy”, we both grieve and believe by faith we will be reunited once more. Who knew but God that when I sat down to help write my dad’s memoir with him 4 years ago during the pandemic, I’d be helping our family plan his funeral this week?