Eventbrite ticket link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/galentines-day-online-event-your-love-story-tickets-136226971539
Your Love Story-Understanding God’s desire for us to love and be loved by addressing our own personal stories on our journey of restoration.
This Galentine’s Day, treat your heart to some focused retreat time on Saturday, February 13th. A great excuse to pull away with other women online to celebrate your uniqueness as a woman and the importance of women mentors, and friendship in our lives. We will be celebrating online this year as we acknowledge the importance of restoration by embracing Love's story in our own hearts this February known as the “LOVE” month. This is the foundation of all healthy relationships!
When: Saturday, February 13th, 10 am- 2:30 pm SK time
Where: a Zoom link will be sent out once registered
What you will need: Quiet space (or headphones), Journal, (or paper) pen, posterboard (or plain paper) with pencil crayons, ZOOM APP (Instructions will be sent to download the zoom app on your device along with a specific link to join Feb 13th)- i.e. laptop, desktop, or iPad or equivalent, phones could work but not ideal given the small screen to see slides and presenter faces clearly. (Other items will be optional and included in the letter emailed to the registrants to add a fun element to the Galentines event!)
What to expect: Celebrate Galentine's day through this online mini-retreat! A time to pull away to focus on the supernatural love that makes it possible to love God, love yourself and others. No matter your relationship status: married, single, divorced, widowed,or otherwise, this event is geared for women of all ages. This retreat will feature teaching, mentoring and prayer supports, handouts on the theme of Restoration, journaling prompts, and other creative elements to engage in soul care! Our ultimate goal is to equip you to understand God’s desire for us to love and be loved by addressing our own personal stories. Learning self-love on our journey of restoration. In this online retreat experience, participants will receive the opportunity for connection prior to, during, and following the retreat for continued support. Once registered, a detailed email will be sent out no later than the week prior to the event.
Presenters: Hosted and facilitated by Jodi Kozan with special guest Theodora Ofosuhima- Founding editor of Obaahima Journal
Registration: early bird $10 before February 10th or regular price $15 to register, click this link here
* “Galentine’s Day” (made popular in 2010 in a popular sitcom) has been celebrated in events large or small. After attending a fun Galentine’s Day event in Honolulu Hawaii all by herself while on a 2 week vacation with her husband a few years back, it has been on her heart to host a Galentine’s' day event in her city. Given pandemic restrictions, she is hosting a reflective online retreat this year instead to launch this concept and focus. Excited to join with Theodora in hosting this event given her passion for journaling and meeting women where they are at. To learn more about Obaahima and her magazine launch with the Well collaborative, click here.
2024 came and went. I am choosing to hold onto hope as the year brought many blessings and also a heaping dose of pain and grief as well. How about you? It seems to be how life goes, heh? Some years, there is more joy to be found If we could plan out life perfectly on our own terms, we would naturally go for less pain and suffering, right? But we can’t. If you struggle with any ounce of perfectionism tendencies (which I admit, I do), we can be thrown for a loop when life doesn’t go as we had first hoped. Through it all, I am remembering to count my blessings. I pray you can too.