Let our Yes be Yes & our No be No- Responsibility and Calling

Let our Yes be Yes & our No be No- Responsibility and Calling

Many of us have had a lot more alone time during this pandemic than we’ve ever experienced in our lifetime. I’ve chosen to see the silver linings that can happen in these challenging circumstances when so much is out of our control. I have had friends say too how this has been their own personal reset of some sort to reprioritize their lives and try and get off the rat race where possible. For myself as well, I have appreciated more time to process what I am called to and what I am not called to.

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Made for Connection

Made for Connection

How many of you miss actual hugs- not just virtual ones? I bumped into a friend at the mall on Thursday, and as we dodged the directional mall traffick arrow stickers on the ground, I was reminded of our need for connection. “I am so over this ‘air hug’ business, and she replied,” I know- me too, that’s why I didn’t give you one”. We texted each other and are making plans to meet up.

As much as this pandemic has robbed our world economically, physically, relationally, there have been some positive outcomes this past year. For starters, many are slowing down from the rat race, evaluating more what we value, and prioritize those things which include our dire need for connection. We were never meant to live life alone.

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Pandemic Christmas Letter- the ADVENT Continues...

Pandemic Christmas Letter-  the ADVENT Continues...

‘Tis the season to celebrate (SOMEHOW), together during a pandemic. A HOPEFULLY once in a lifetime experience. This year as I lit the advent candles in my own home leading up to Christmas, I was struck with some of the lessons humanity is invited to learn, (or relearn), especially during these challenging times. Romans 12:12 encourages us to be ‘joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer…” As we do, may we grow in hope, peace, joy, and love as true growth begins in the heart..

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Identity- Part 2 (It began in the garden)

Identity- Part 2 (It began in the garden)

Doors and gates speak to me quite often. When it is "open", it beckons you to enter. Or when it is closed, we have a decision to open it. It takes faith to believe that what is behind the gate can be trusted. When I toured Butchart Gardens, I came across a gate. I sensed the Holy Spirit remind me of the truths of Psalm 24 where King David’s praise to God is an invitation each and every day for us to seek to know God and be known by Him. When we "Rest" in the garden of God’s heart for us and allow Christ to come into our lives by opening the gateway of our souls to Him, THEN we find the greatest weapon in the battle for our very lives, our identity, our faith and REST in Him the “ageless doors of destiny.

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Identity - Part 1 (The good news of peace)

 Identity - Part 1 (The good news of peace)

I recently made a trip to the International Peace Garden that is located on the border of North Dakota and Manitoba within the Turtle Mountain region- the geographic center of North America. It was so serene there- peaceful and lots of space to ponder, pray, and reflect on my life thus far. I’ve crossed this border a multitude of times- the joys of an 11 plus hour road trip to see family. Because of my story and the many border crossings throughout my life, I often ponder our longings of the soul or deeper meanings of home”, “family”,” citizenship”, “identity”. Our ethnicity, culture, our family of origin, people we’ve encountered, places we’ve lived, and all the positive or negative experiences in our life don’t define us, but they can refine us if we let it. What I am learning thus far about Identity, is God longs for us to see our identity as being that we are all created in the image of God as referenced in Genisis 1;26-27.

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Prayers for Reconciliation

Prayers for Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a broad topic and it is also complex. When we lay our soul before God in prayer we are pressing into the right relation of allowing God to be God and for us to pray as Jesus asks us to pray for His Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven… I live in Saskatoon, SK Canada. We are known as the “City of Bridges”. When I see bridges each and every day, I am reminded of how God sent His Son to be the bridge to reconcile us to Him through the power of the Spirit. He then also calls us to be the bridge to others. We can be counted as one who of many throughout the generations who are building and restoring. (Video/ image of Saskatoon City of Bridges shared with permission by Java Post).

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Reconciliation (Knowledge- Understanding- Doing)

Reconciliation (Knowledge- Understanding- Doing)

I went for a walk with my friend Deloris in Victoria Park which hosts Saskatoon’s youngest landmark sculpture: the “Coming Spring” which speaks to rebirth and change. Rich with symbolism, its visitors are encouraged to reflect on the need for reconciliation. The sound from the chimes is intended to evoke emotions, thoughts, prayers. It can be a time for meditation as one reflects on past or present harms that require restoration and reconciliation.

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Holistic Restoration?

Holistic Restoration?

I’ve been determined to learn more about the mind-body connection, or spirit- soul- body connection when I first encountered excruciating pain in my back in 1999. Although back pain hasn’t been the only health issue I’ve encountered in my life, it has been one of the more prevailing ones through the last 20+ years. The pain has come and gone and within my quest for wellness I’ve found great relief with learning more how to destress, meditate, practice deep breathing, prayer, self-acceptance, walking, and more recently Pilates.

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Learning to Lament

Learning to Lament

Lament has been a spiritual discipline that has often been misunderstood or avoided altogether by many. Jesus said “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” among other profound promises found in the Beatitudes on his famous Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5. I used to think mourning was a topic reserved only for those who are experiencing the death of a loved one. I didn’t understand then when Jesus said that we’d be ‘blessed’ if we mourn? What? It just didn’t make sense to me…

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Palm Sunday in my PJ's

Palm Sunday in my PJ's

When our girls were small- they’d look forward to getting a palm leaf and waving it during the worship time. This was to symbolize or reenact what transpired on Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem before his betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection as recorded throughout the Gospels. As a mom to little girls, I loved watching their unbridled joy putting their whole self into worship, dancing, singing and moving freely more than other services perhaps. The message and intent of it all? Celebrate, Anticipate, Freedom and Joy!

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Virtual 50th Birthday Videos- Words (and Dance Moves) Can Be a Powerful Gift

Virtual 50th Birthday Videos- Words (and Dance Moves) Can Be a Powerful Gift

I received two videos from some family and friends that Jaclyn ( one of my 4 daughters) pulled together last minute. She showed it to me when my head hit the pillow at the end of my Virtual Birthday party amidst COVID 19 Self Isolation/ Quarantine time. . .My heart was deeply touched by the effort made to pull this together and more so the fun words, touching comments and scriptures of promise or edification. Reminds me not to take people for granted- everyone we meet can impact our life.

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50 Reasons to Be Thankful: A Virtual Birthday party:)

50 Reasons to Be Thankful: A Virtual Birthday party:)

I turned 50 today.

Yes, the “Big 5-0”. For the youngins, that seems ancient, for hipster seniors, I am still a young chick! Haha:) Well, either way, I’ve lived 18,250 days on this earth. Wow. I’ve lived a lot of life thus far with the High Mountain Peak type experiences and the Deep Valleys and everything in between. Lord willing, I’ll have more of life to experience to deepen my walk with God and others.

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